A feast.

Arthur woke up alone in bed, he didn't know how long he had slept but it was dark outside.

He woke up and looked around but could it find Rose anywhere.

She had just woken up and still a little weak so he worried she might overwork herself.

He walked out of the room and searched for her, hearing her voice in the living room.

He found her chatting with Irene who was wrapped around her body like a baby. They were laughing and playing like kids.

He walked in, "Be careful not to exhaust your self you still weak " he said.

Rose looked up and smiled while Irene just ignored him. Rose was back so she felt safe and arrogant around Arthur.

Arthur returned Rose's smile and walked to the study.

"So when she appeared again at home, Sean threw her out without thinking twice " Irene continued her story.

"He loves you to be able to fight with his crazy mother, am impressed " Rose commented.

"I guess he does. But am still worried about her, she doesn't like me at all "

"Then we will make her like you. But first I have to teach her a lesson for having harassed you like that without me around to protect you " said Rose.

Irene laughed and hugged her, " I missed you," she said.

Arthur had been listening to their conversation before he entered his study. He smiled and entered his study.

Rose had dinner with Irene and all the maids in the house. Her nurse too was invited since Rise wanted to thank her for taking care of her.

Arthur walked into a feast and a table filled with happy faces. He joined them sitting next to his wife.

Everybody was happy and cheerfully chatted with Rose. Filling her in about all the events that had happened when she wasn't around.

Dorothy had been talking for a while that Arthur noticed she had been different from Dorothy he knew who was always quiet.

The table never fell silent for even a bit, everyone wanted to talk which made it even more fun. Arthur looked at them and felt like his life had color again.

Rose had brought back all the life and love back into his world again.

Dinner was finished after a while, as the maids cleared the table, Dorothy brought in a cake she had baked when Arthur and Rose were sleeping. She brought it in front of Rose who looked surprised.

"This is for coming back into our life, and filling us with all this happiness and love," she said.

Rose cried and hugged her, while the rest cheered and clapped.

Arthur watched as she cut the cake, Rose served everybody then got up and took one to Arthur who had been watching quietly.

Arthur watched her walk to him with a smile that reached her beautiful eyes. But then she seemed to like focus and stumbled. He rushed towards her, catching her before she could fall.

Her weak body landed in his arms, she looked up confused and realized what happened.

Everybody was silent for a moment, Rose got up with Arthur's help.

She turned to them and said, " Sorry guys I guess I worked myself too hard for my first day "

They all sighed after they got to know she was okay. She pushed the piece of cake still in her hands in Arthur's mouth.

"This was for you, love " she whispered.

"Let me take her upstairs so she can rest, " Arthur told the others and carried Rose upstairs.

Irene helped the maids clean up and left after all the dished had been done. She had spent some time with Rose which had put her in a good mood.

Arthur had brought Rose back into their room. He had got her a room downstairs since it was easy to set up for her. Now she was back in their bed.

He gave her the medication that had been given by the doctor and helped her get comfortable in bed.

"I feel like it was yesterday when I left with Nathan," she said

"Don't talk about the past, its been months since you had that accident that almost took your life " Arthur frowned.

Rose sat up from the bed and kissed his forehead. Taking away the frown that had appeared.

"If you don't like it then I won't talk about it. Am sorry I made you miss me this much "

Arthur laid down beside her and said, "The moment you opened your eyes I forgot all the pain and missing I went through "

They laud together without saying anything as he held her in his arms. She finally fell asleep.

Arthur left after she did and took shower then left for his study again.

He had bought books teaching him how to take care of someone who woke up from a coma. He had searched online and even asked Alex and Ralph about it.

The doctor had suggested some ideas too which he had put into action. He didn't know how long he had been in his study until he checked the time. It was midnight so he decided to leave the rest for the next day.

He walked to his room, his eyes landed on her slender figure in the bed. He didn't know how much he had missed seeing such a site but he felt his heart jump with joy.

He slowly walked to the bed and watched her sleep. Her face was still as attractive as always, her lips had turned back to their original red colour, and her chest moved up and down as she breathed.

He unhurriedly entered the bed not wanting to wake her up. But the moment he covered himself, Rose came closer placed her hands around his torso, and hid her head in his warm masculine chest.

"I love you " she mumbled before she went back to sleep.

"I love you too," he said back before he encircled her in his arms too and closed his eyes.

He felt like he was finally at home laying in her arms.