Her Friend.

Irene nagged her friend as she helped her pack clothes for the trip with Arthur.

"You have just recovered and now you going on a trip. It's not fair on us "

"It's just a trip and a few days so in no time I will be back " She promised.

"Two weeks isn't a few days I miss you already. What are you going to do about the baby?" Irene asked

"He's still at his grandparents so am not worried "

They finally finished packing and rested.

"When I return we will visit your crazy mother in law," said Rose.

Irene laughed out loud but still accepted Rose's plan.

Rose had a nap on the plane before they landed at their destination. Arthur woke her up and lead her to the car.

"So what are you going to do exactly?" Rose asked Arthur as they moved to their hotel.

"Am just going to check the company's progress, attend a meeting with new partners and then host a model competition " Arthur read her his schedule for the trip.

"You going to host a model competition? " She asked.


"Can I come along too, I have always wanted to try it but never got a chance. But I can still watch one " Rose exclaimed cheerfully.

"You going to follow me everywhere I go and not letting you out of my sight again," said Arthur.

They arrived at the hotel which brought back memories in Rose's mind. Such big, luxurious, and expensive hotels brought back memories of her and Arthur's first encounter.

She walked in with, noticing the big "R" on the hotel entrance and hallway. she turned to Arthur with a question.

"Does this belong to your family?" she whispered

Arthur bent closer to her ear and said, " It belongs to OUR family, butterfly " he smiled.

Rose giggled, he was right. It was her family too now. They were lead to the presidential suite.

She dropped her bags and run to the huge window admiring the lights outside the city.

Arthur joined hugging her from behind. They watched the bright sparkling lights together after which the room service brought them dinner.

Arthur reviewed the documents he was going to use for the meeting the next morning. His secretary had sent them to his room before dinner. Rose took a shower and watched dramas.

She felt bored and Arthur was busy with his documents. She had bee prohibited to work until Arthur was sure she was better to handle work.

This made her bored since she was used to having something to do.

She slowly slid out of the room and went to the lounge of the hotel.

It was elegant, she was dressed in an evening red strapless dress. Not knowing how expensive and fashionable it was since she had not bought them. she wondered why everybody glanced at her as she walked.

Her black long hair was playing freely on her shoulders as the red dress blended with her white beautiful skin. She had no makeup on but still looked amazingly beautiful and attractive.

"That's the CEO's wife " she had someone say.

Not minding she walked out towards the swimming pool. It was bigger than the one at home. She sat down and placed her feet in the pool. Feeling the water caressed her feet she closed her eyes and enjoyed the feeling.

"Rose?" Someone called her name.

She turned around, it was a male who had the most beautiful lips she had ever seen.

Her eyes brightened up as a smile appeared on her lips.

Arthur had been absorbed in his work that he did not realize that Rose had gone out. He noticed it when he heard her knock on the door.

He came and opened the door for her.

"When did you go out?" he asked her.

'When you where so deep in your work I couldn't get your attention " she said as she walked in.

She told him about her evening in the hotel and her friend she had met.

"I could not believe my eyes when I saw him today. The last time I did see him was when he was still behind bars " She explained.

Arthur was more intrigued when he heard the name of her so-called friend.

"Do you mean the guy who took the blame for your rape case is out and staying in my hotel?" he said every word with jealous.

"He was my best friend and still is, but it's weird that he got out and didn't come to see me," She said.

Arthur had got up from his seat and walked to the bedroom. He had fallen silent and Rose noticed the silence.

"Arthur wasn't wrong?" she asked.

"Nothing, when am free maybe I will meet this friend of yours," he said.

She looked at his strange smile and frowned.

"If you don't want me to meet him again, I won't," she told him.

"I can't control everything in your life and am not that possessive. His someone who used to be close to you so I won't object from seeing him ".

Her smiled grew even bigger. Rose sent the rest of the night tell Arthur all about her past with her friend.

Arthur listened to every story she told him, he learned more about her past she had not shared with him. Her first day at school, favorite snacks, her bullying day. He laughed at the funny stories and teased her about the embarrassing ones. They shared each other's stories the whole night until she dozed off.

Arthur watched her sleep as he made a call to Sean.

He told him about Rose's friend who had appeared out of nowhere.

" Did he say why he was here?"

"She told me that he said it was a vacation after he came out if prison," Arthur told Sean.

"He knows your parents paid him after Archie had made them think it was you who was the culprit. But he still came to a hotel owned by your family "

"She's just woke up from a coma, been under a lot of therapy and diet to make her strong again. She was happy after she went out again. I don't want to limit her but am afraid to let my guard down again " Arthur explained.

"She has been through a lot let her do this on her own and just play the role of her supportive husband, " Sean told him.

"Am going to be busy with work won't it be dangerous if I just leave her alone with someone I don't even know "

Sean knew Arthur had become paranoid after her accident, he said " But she knows him am sure she won't let him drag her into trouble "

Arthur gave in and listened to his friend.

" What's his name again?" Sean asked.

"I only got one name, Harry, " Arthur said