Her Wild Side .

Arthur didn't want to leave Rose alone but was needed to sign some important documents with a partner. He took a shower changed and rushed to the company.

The meeting ended quiet late. When he came out his phone had missed calls from Rose. He tried to call her but no one picked. He drove to the hotel but was surprised to find no one.

He asked the hotel reception that informed him she had asked for a car and driver. And hadn't returned yet.

He returned to the suite and ordered something for him to eat. He wanted to order champagne but remembered Rose could not drink. He didn't want a drunk Rose right now when he had an early meeting the next day.

He took a shower as he waited for his food. He had just come out of the shower when he heard a knock on the door.

Thinking it was his food he rushed to the door. But his face frowned when he saw what he never wanted to see in his life.

Rose was being piggy carried by a stranger on his back. She looked drunk since she was shouting some gibberish.

"Am sorry we are meeting this wag for the first time. She sipped the wrong drink and got this way " Harry apologized.

Arthur had not said a word since he opened the door. After Harry spoke, Arthur moved and got his wife off Harry's back. He carried her inside the room and placed her on the bed. Then came back to the door where Harry was still standing.

"Am harry an old friend of Rose " he introduced himself.

"Arthur, her HUSBAND," he said. Arthur couldn't deny that he wasn't angry since his face depicted it.

"Am sorry I brought her back drunk. She sipped my drink by accident in the club and got that way. And since I know she can't drink I brought her back immediately " Harry explained.

Before Arthur could answer, Rose had got up and staggered to the door were the two where standing. Harry saw her first since Arthur had his back to the room and could not see her approach.

She jumped onto his back and cling to him.

"Take me back, I want to dance " she screamed in his ear.

Arthur turned his face and looked at her, "Butterfly behave " he said.

Rose frowned but got down from his back and walked back into the room as she knocked down stuff.

"I appreciate your kind gesture of bringing her back. But as you can see am going to be busy tonight so if you could excuse me " he said and closed the door in a second not giving Harry any chance to say anything.

Harry knew what he meant, Rose acted weird when she was drunk that it sometimes even made it hard to take care of her.

He walked away with a smile as he whispered, " Have a good night best friend "

Arthur walked to the drunk Rose and pulled her to the bed. He made her lay down as she got her a glass of water.

When he returned she had disappeared. He looked around and found her undressing in the bathroom.

"Are you hot?"Arthur asked as he put down the glass and helped her take off her top.

She bent to pull down her jeans, Arthur let her do it her self. He wondered why she would take off her clothes whenever she was drunk.

She walked away back into the bedroom now half-naked. Arthur followed her slowly behind.

She dropped on the couch and looked up at his face.

" Who are you?" she asked.

Arthur moved closed to her and whispered in her ears, " Am your husband " he said.

She laughed when she heard his words pushing him away. She rolled down to the woolen carpet on the floor.

"Your too husband to be my husband, and as far as I know am a poor pitiful unattractive woman who can't even pay her mother's hospital bills," She Said.

Arthur laughed after he realized what Rose was saying. Her drunk mind had taken her back even before she had met him.

He knelt and crawled to where she was and laid next to her. He decided to play along with her drunken show.

"While we just meant a while ago in a club, you fell for me at first sight and followed me to my room " Arthur lied.

"Ohh, you might be right. Your handsome and seem rich to stay in such a hotel " she said as she pointed around the room. " Am just lonely and scared that I badly needed company " she continued. " Can I stay for the night it pretty dark outside and am scared "

Arthur was holding in his laughter as he heard Rose speak. He remembered the night she had drunk on Sean's birthday and teased him.

She was now doing another of her crazy acts.

He got up and grabbed her hand to carry her to bed. But she pulled him instead. Arthur landed on top of her. He started at her beautiful red face as her eyes looked at his lips.

"Your lips look tasty," she said in a low voice as if she didn't want anyone to hear what she said.

"What are you going to do about it?" Arthur teased her as he played with her hair.

She pulled him down to her lips, she trapped his in hers as she kissed him with all her power.

Arthur pulled away for breath not believing what was going on.

But Rose wasn't done yet as soon as his head left her sight, she grabbed it again pulling him back to her lips. She licked hers as she pulled him closer.

"Can I have more?" she asked but instead served herself.

Arthur felt her legs trap his body onto hers as her hands pulled him down for another kiss.

She kissed him again this time her tongue played explored his mouth. She turned this time placing him down with her above him.

She moved down his neck as her hands opened the gown he was wearing. His naked body came into view.

Arthur wanted to get up but she pinned him back down and told him not to move. Her figures played around his body as she planted kisses on it. Rose placed her clothed warm treasure right below his now hard dragon. She was driving him crazy in a good way that he found himself enjoying it.

Rose moved down meeting her eyes with his erected friend. She held it in her hand and squeezed it. Arthur moaned, "Rose I think that's enough," he said.

But she didn't stop and moved back up to his lips.

"Your talking too much," She said.

Arthur had been turned on now, he grabbed her hands changing their positions again. She was back down as she giggled at him.

"Butterfly why are you driving me crazy " he begged.

Rose pulled away her hands from his grip and unhooked her bra.

"Let's make another baby," she said.

Confused at how she knew that they had a baby when she was acting like she didn't know made him frown. His thinking malfunctioned when he saw her bouncy breasts in front of him.

"What are you waiting for?" she asked with half-closed eyes.

Arthur looked at her face then her breasts, without wasting a second his hand moved down to her hips and moved the remaining fabric between him and Rose.

She moaned as she entered her, their lips meant again this time more aggressive and passionate.

"Let's make twins this time," Arthur said between moans.