Back To Work.

Rose found out after a week had passed since she came back that Irene and Sean had not yet fixed their problem with his mother, who by the way was still bothering her.

"She is a crazy woman. Even after what Sean said did you her at your house, she is still coming after you " Rose argued.

"I not sure anymore how I got myself into this. It not entirely my fault that her son fell in love with me " Irene said.

Rose chuckled and shook her head in agreement.

"I know Sean won't let you suffer he will soon find a way for you to live in peace without her being a problem " Rose assured her.

They finished their lunch as they chatted.

Rose's phone rang as she finished her iced tea.

"Arthur is calling, have to run my lunch break is over," Rose said as she grabbed her bag and coat. She hugged her best friend and walked out of the bakery.

She had gone back to work after she came back and was more serious and busier than ever. Having been away from work for a while since her accident her work gas complied and Arthur had refused anyone to handle it claiming it was Rose only who could do it.

She had finished the important one but Arthur was always there to watch her work which made her almost go crazy. he wanted her next to him that even when she went out he always called after a few minutes just to make sure she was okay.

Her lunch breaks had been cut short if she decided to have it out but they would last for two hours and more of it with him. Arthur was enjoying every moment he spent with her using his position as an excuse.

"Am your superior you should listen to me, lunchtime isn't over yet " he said once when she complained about having long lunch breaks with him.

They had been so close that the atmosphere if the company had returned to the way it was when she was around. The employees loved her but could not express it in public since Arthur was the jealous type. They would secretly send her texts thanking her or snacks during breaks.

She arrived at work and got onto the elevator. She had not picked up his call and she knew it would make him anxious. So she tried to be fast and arrived before he called again.

He phone rang again as she left the elevator and walked into the office.

"You need me?" she said as she dropped into the seat.

Arthur ended the call when he saw her drop in a seat. He stood up and walked to her.

"Why didn't you pick up, I was worried," he said.

"Sorry, but I could not since I was driving " she lied and Arthur knew she was lying but didn't linger on it.

"We have a new project and the new partners requested you as our representative," Arthur said.

"Do I know them?" Rose asked.

"I don't think you do but they specifically asked for you. And when I asked why they said it will be revealed on the first day of our signing " Arthur told her.

"Do you know their background or their company?" she asked.

"I did do an investigation but both the company and the CEO have nothing suspicious. But don't worry I will be there with you " he assures her.

Rose wondered who it could be that wanted her this bad. None of her friends was successful to be an owner of a million-dollar group that had been experts in the field.

The only friend who had appear recently was Harry, who had said it wasn't him when she called to ask. She read the document that held the investigation Arthur had made and it didn't seem anything suspicious.

Was it one of Arthur's enemies again she wondered.

After work both her and Arthur drove to her brother's place. They had been invited for dinner and also check in on both of them.

"How are the parent to be doing?" Rose hugged Alex and Ralph.

They were happy to see her after a long time.

Alex didn't leave her side after she came into their home. They had dinner as Rose told them about her crazy trip after which the topic shifted to being pregnant.

Alex told her about her cravings and mood swings.

"She kicks me when she sleeps claiming I make her uncomfortable in bed " Ralph complained.

Rose laughed as she heard, " Then to somewhere else. You have no idea how hard it is to be pregnant " she said.

"I know it's hard but takes it for granted that I will abide by everything and makes me do even the impossible now " Ralph complained again.

"Rose made me move around in the night for apples and when I came back she was asleep again," Arthur said.

"I don't even remember that," said Rose.

"Butterfly you and I know how you cried when I bought what you had asked for but claimed it wasn't," said Arthur.

Alex laughed and agreed since she did the same.

"You gave brother a hard time," she said.

The conversation went on as they enjoyed each other company. Later before Rose and Arthur left, Alex took Rose to the baby's room and tour around the house.

"How is she doing?" Ralph asked Arthur.

"She seems to have returned to her old self after we came back from the trip," Arthur said.

"Rose keeps her pain and fear inside so she won't her loved one worried. But you and I know she's transparent so we can easily tell. When she woke up she was different and distant but after the trip, she looks better and normal "

"She was trying to find herself again and I think the trip helped her, " Arthur said.

"I hope this time you protect her not let anything bad happen to her " Ralph asked.

"It was enough torment I went through without seeing her in when she was in a coma. I don't think I will let it happen again "Arthur vowed.

Rose came back and they left tired but happy to have seen her brother and sister in law.