"Our Son"

Rose kept her distance at work from Arthur. Who on the other hand tried to appear in her line of sight. After Arthur and his team had finished their part of the Christmas ball the hardest part which was organizing the event was handled by Rose and her team. She had shown off her knowledge once to Arthur about event planning so he gave it to her again without question.

Rose became busy soon, she moved up and down. Supervising every little detail of the ball from the venue, decorations, the list of names of the guest, how the invitations would look, and the theme. Arthur had finally given up after seeing her move up and down. She passed by His office as she headed to hers.

He saw her look exhausted as she moved to jot her shoulders.

Arthur was worried even when she was angry at him and refused to sleep with him in the same bed for a week now. He was craving to touch or hug her again.

But she was always surrounded by her crew which made it hard to get her alone.

He thought for a while and then picked up his phone and called Dorothy.

Soon she arrived with little Arthur, who just like his parents. He attracted attention from all the employees.

Dorothy walked into Arthur's office with little Arthur. He jumped into his father's arms with joy.

"Am giving you a second chance don't disappoint me again " Arthur said as he hugged his son.

He thanked Dorothy and walked out of the office towards Rose's office.

Rose was giving instructions to her team when Arthur came in holding their son. She frowned as she saw him place the little angel on the table.

"Our son has decided to pay a visit," Arthur said. Rose wanted to tell him to leave but all her team had already surrounded the baby.

He seemed to love attention since he was giggling and smiling when they played with him.

All the attention on little Arthur so the old Arthur took the chance to whisk Rose out of the office. He dragged her into his office and locked the door.

Rose was angry as she wanted to be let out.

"Arthur I have a lot of work to do, please let me out," she said

"Leave after you have had something to eat. Dorothy brought some lunch " Arthur pointed at the table the was having all her favorite dishes.

Surprised she walked to the couch and took a seat. Arthur served her and waited for her to finish. He then passed her a glass of water.

"Why did you bring Arthur here at work. He's a distraction for both of us " Rose said.

"He was the only person who could help me "

Rose got up as she cleaned her lips. She turned to leave but then Arthur said, "What about dessert?"

Rose stopped and turned around and glared at Arthur.

"I don't think you deserve one today," Rose said and stood in front of the door waiting for Arthur to open it.

The look on her face showed she wasn't going to giving him any desserts today, so he walked to the door and opened it for her.

Rose walked out and went back into her office. All the employees had gathered around her son. He was laughing as they entertained him. He was now dressed in a different outfit with cute bunny ears on his head. She wondered where they got the clothes from.

She walked to the center of the room, her son saw her and tried to get up.

Rose came closer and carried him.

"Sorry his stay will end here today, those who didn't get a chance to see or touch him will have another day. Thanks for taking care of him " Rose said as she walked away from the crowd.

Arthur appeared and took him from her arms.

"Let me, since I was the one who brought him here," he said and turned around and left.

Arthur took his son into his office and called Sean.

"You need something, I was in the middle of a meeting," Sean said but then he saw the baby in the lounge.

"Don't tell me Rose now sent away the maids "

"No, she didn't, I bought him here to help me but he gained from it instead, again, "Arthur said.

"You don't remember what you did wrong to make her act like this?" Sean asked as he got up and carried the baby.

"I don't even know when it started but she doesn't even want to talk to anymore "

" Irene said that Rose had a bad temper and got angry about something so little to others bit big to her. You had to know what exactly you had done wrong and apologize. But you messed it up when you quickly apologized without thinking about it " Sean smiled as he kissed little Arthur's cheeks.

Arthur dropped into his seat feeling more dispirited as he watched his son play with Sean.

"I thought you said you were in the middle of a meeting why don't you rush back," Arthur said after seeing Sean play with his son senselessly.

"It can wait let me have some fun with him. I liked the time we spent looking after him. It made me want to be a father soon " Sean said.

Arthur got up from his seat and got his son from Sean and dragged him out.

"I think you should soon, so you can leave mine alone. Now go back to your meeting "

"After getting what you want you now push me away. Don't call for me again since I won't come even if it's an emergency " Sean left angry.

" Even if it isn't one I know you will come," said Arthur at the angry Sean.

He returned to his seat and looked down at his son.

" It's only you and men, buddy," he said.

Arthur fed his son and they had his lunch too. He took him to lay down and take a nap. Dorothy wasn't coming back

So Arthur was stuck with looking after him until they left for home.

Little Arthur soon fell asleep but his father too was drawn into slumber after having sleepless nights without Rose and work he was exhausted. Father and son napped peacefully in his office Lounge.