"Future Wife "

Irene and Sean arrived at the ball dressed elegantly, the photographers took their pictures before they could go in. Sean held her hand and lead her inside. Company shareholders and employees from the company had arrived and enjoying each other's company as they waited for the other guests especially the company CEO.

Sean didn't let go of Irene as they moved to another board of directors of the company.

She felt nervous as they moved closer to them. Sean greeted them and introduced each one of them to Irene.

"She's my future wife " he proudly said.

She felt her face burn under their surprised gazes. They smiled and congratulated them both.

"She's a really beautiful woman " they voice their compliments.

Sean smiled proudly as he heard their compliments about Irene. Who looked like she wanted to just run and hide.

They moved on to the next group and the next. Soon she wasn't nervous or shy anymore. She became more confident, smiled, and said a few words.

Sean left her for a while after being called to prepare for Arthur and Rose's arrival. Irene remained at her seat on their table and waited for him as she sipped some champagne. Her eyes moved around the room as she saw some familiar faces from the company she had met when she went there to see Rose.

It was then her eyes landed on someone she didn't want to see at all.

It was Sean's mother, she had dressed so elegantly that Irene couldn't help but stare. She walked to Irene and sat next to her.

"Still leaching off my son?" she asked.

Irene didn't respond to her question but continued to smile.

"Enjoy all the luxury will you still can. Cause you won't be when he dumps you" She smiled at Irene and walked away.

Irene felt her heart drop at her words, She had been trying to keep her cool but her insides burned with anger and sadness at her cruel words.

After sometime Sean came back and sat next to her.

"Arthur has always wanted to make an entrance, I thought it would stop since he married. But it seems it got worse now " Sean said.

Irene didn't respond but smiled.

Sean noticing her behavior, " Love, did someone offend you when I was not here?" he asked.

Irene met his eyes and shook her head.

"No, I was just bored being alone " she lied.

He smiled and held her hand and led her to the guests. He didn't let her go again as he moved around greeting guests and other important guests.

After a while she back to being lively with a beautiful smile on her face.

Sean's mother was talking with some of her friends when she noticed her son walked hand in hand with Irene towards their table.

Irene's face was pale as they moved closer to them.

"I don't want to see her " She whispered to Sean.

"She can't act out In front of her friends " he whispered back.

"Mother," he said to her when they arrived at their table.

His mother smiled and looked up at them. Irene was shocked at the change of temperaments from before.

Sean greeted them warmly and then introduced Irene to all his mother's friends.

"My future wife," he said with a smile.

His mother's friends exclaimed in joy as they commented on her beauty and lovely voice.

Irene smiled shyly as she answered their questions.

"That amazing, you can run your bakery and still have time to take care of yourself " one asked.

"Yes, I started working at a young age with my mother's friend that I was able to adapt and learn how to handle the business " Irene answered.

"Do you give baking classes?" another asked.

"I don't but if you're interested I can give personal lessons " Irene answered.

Soon all of them asked for her business card and promised to go to her bakery.

"Your so lucky to have such a wonderful future daughter-in-law," they told Sean's mother.

She didn't respond but smiled showing she was really happy.

Irene and Sean left their table, her hands had sweated a lot.

"That didn't go as badly as I thought it would," she said.

"I know my mother's weakness is her friend's opinion about her. So if they liked you then she will too " Sean said.

"I don't think she liked it when you cornered her as that " Irene said.

Sean was looking around and saw his father among his friends.

"Forget mother and let's go meet father," he said as he dragged her to his father's group.

"Dad," he called.

His father turned around and saw his son and Irene. His smile reached his eyes as he hugged his son and Irene.

He took her hand from his son's hold and pulled her next to him.

"Gentlemen, meet my future daughter in law," he said.

When his friends heard his statement they all turned to Irene. They each introduced themselves and praised her beauty. They asked her questions which she answered with a smile.

She was polite and shy making them like her even more. They were even surprised at her independence when they found out about her bakery.

"It hard to find a hardworking and independent woman like you these days," they said.

Sean and his father had let her talk giving her confidence as they become more friendly with her.

"Well excuse me gentlemen but my future wife and I need to go welcome Arthur and his family.

Sean took her away from them with the smile of a proud man.

He felt full of himself when he saw them treat her even more warmly than his mother's friends.

" Was this your plan to introduce me to almost everyone at the party?" She asked.

"No it wasn't, but I saw the opportunity and took it" Sean smiled as they walked off to the entrance to welcome Arthur and Rose.

Irene followed him to the entrance with a smile as she felt proud to have a man who showed her off without holding back.