
Arthur had left Sean still chatting with one of the directors. He walked to his parent's table. Vanita and Arthur were enjoying themselves while his parents watched them with smiles.

"It seemed we are destined to have beautiful daughters-in-law," they said as they watched the young ones.

"Don't even think about making her my daughter in law, she is not qualified " Arthur cut into their conversation.

His father frowned and his mother complained, " She's a gentle child with wonderful eyes just like Rose "

"Don't compare her to my wife and my son is still young to think about such issues " Arthur took a seat beside his parents.

"You always spoil the fun," said his father

They looked at the children who were happily sharing their food.

Arthur saw Richard and Justin arrive and walk towards Rose's table. He excused himself from his parents and walked towards them.

"Where do you think you both are going?" he asked calmly.

Richard had a smile, one that would make you sick if you knew his real character.

Arthur smirked as he saw the smile, "Not being invited means no one wants to see you, leave while I still see you as Rose's father " Arthur gestured back to the entrance.

Richard's eyes turned into slits as he turned to leave. Justin followed slowly behind his father as his sight remained on his sister. Arthur watched them being escorted out by the security he had called.

But when he turned to leave, a voice stopped him. He looked at the owner of the voice with no emotions.

"I wanted to talk to you in private, it's about my daughter " Samuel who had stopped Arthur said.

Arthur always showed no emotion in his greeting or words. He wanted to turn him down and walk to his wife and friends but since his daughter had turned into his son's friend Arthur accepted.

He followed Samuel out so he could listen to what he wanted to say.

Arthur stopped a few steps from Samuel and waited for him to talk.

Samuel turned around and looked at Arthur. He had a smile on his face as he started walking closer to Arthur.

"Being married for a while and I was content with what I had but then I saw you at the park with your family " he said in a low voice.

Arthur raised one of his eyebrows as he listened to Samuel talk.

"My daughter liked your son and I found myself liking you "

Arthur moved back without saying anything and turned to leave. He had given him a chance for the sake of his daughter but he was spouting nonsense.

Samuel rushed and caught Arthur's hand and before Arthur could push him off, Samuel pushed him onto the wall.

Arthur felt the impact on his back as he found himself between the wall and Samuel. Surprised by the move Arthur looked at Samuel.

"What do you think you doing?" Arthur said in a low angry voice.

"I have been holding it in, I have never seen such a beautiful man like you " Samuel moved closer, crushing Arthur to the wall.

"Get off me before I make you lose all your teeth " Arthur demanded.

Samuel had him trapped between his strong arms as he inched closer and closer to Arthur's lips.

Arthur pushed him off, Samuel landing down on the cold ground as Arthur stood and looked at him.

"If it wasn't for your daughter I would have killed you right now," Arthur said and walked off.

But Samuel wasn't done expressing his love for Arthur. He stood up and ran to Arthur, grabbing him by the neck and waist. Samuel forced his lips on Arthur's.

Kissing him senseless before he was thrown off by Arthur.

Samuel screamed as he felt pain hit his back as he landed on the ground again.

" ARTHUR!?...." a voice called.

Both men turned to see Rose, Irene, Sean, and Samuel's wife looking at them.

Arthur's face turned from disgust to cold. His eyes were glistering with murder intend as he moved his eyes from Rose to his assaulter on the ground.

Sean knowing what would happen next ran to him, standing in front of Arthur.

He raised his eyes and met them with Sean. His face had no presence of the married Arthur but of the old murderous one.

Sean pushed him away from Samuel and whispered, " Arthur calm down or you might regret what you will do next "

Arthur didn't say anything but stayed in one place. Rose came running towards them as Samuel's wife ran to her husband.

Sean seeing Rose came closer he moved aside and let her hug Arthur.

she held his face in her hands as she asked if he was okay.

"Are you okay love, did he hurt you?" she asked worriedly.

Arthur finally responded to her with a "NO". Rose hugged him again, after seeing him being kissed by the crazy guest she knew he would not be okay.

Samuel was helped up by his wife and left. Sean and Irene left too.

Arthur didn't say anything as Rose held his hand and led him away from the crime scene.

He was quiet as he followed her, without saying a word Rose walked to a bench and sat down with Arthur.

" Hope he didn't do more than kissing you?" Rose asked.

"No, he didn't " Arthur answered.

"You have never met a gay before?" She asked in a low voice.

There was silence before Arthur gave his answer.

"It's not my first time seeing or meeting one, I have had some business deals with some. But I have never let one do that to me "

Rose smiled as she listened to Arthur's voice get lowered with each word he said.

"It not that bad, he just wanted to express his feelings for you. Don't worry I won't love you less but be more cautious since now even men are after my man " she said.

Arthur's face grew a smile, Rose was able to see in it even in the darkness there wherein.

He pulled her closer and hugged her, feeling all his anger vanishing. They stay seated under the dark sky as they watched the stars.

Samuel was dragged Inside by his wife David.

"How could you do that to the father of our daughter's first friend?" he shouted.

Samuel didn't respond and had his head down.

"Look at me when am talking Sam "

Sam looked up and met David's eyes.

"He's really good looking but you could have held it in but not going around kissing him at his company's ball "

"I promise it won't happen again " Samuel promised.

"Since it your first time doing such a crazy thing, I will forgive you but don't even think of doing it again "

Samuel smiled and held his hand, placing a peck on David's lips as they walked back inside.

Sean and Irene who had been eavesdropping had been surprised at how things had transpired between the couple.

"How can they act like a normal couple?" Irene asked.

"They are a normal couple, you just haven't seen more of them "

"I wonder how Arthur and Rose are?" Irene wondered.

Sean sighed, "He has never been treated like that by a fellow man but Rose is there so he will be fine"

They walked back inside.