Little Arthur.

Having known from Arthur that all the guests had stayed the night. Rose woke up early and made breakfast for them.

Little Arthur woke up too, he kept his mother busy in the kitchen as she made breakfast.

Trying to help her, he carried the forks and spoons to the table as she brought plates. They worked together and soon they were ready for breakfast.

She went upstairs with her son and walked to her bed. Arthur jumped on top of his father's back as he tried to wake him up.

Rose laughed as she watched the scene. Arthur woke up grumbling from the noise and pain from his back.

He got up throwing his son off his back.

Little Arthur didn't stop and jumped into his arms. Delivering kisses onto his father's face.

"Okay..u can stop am awake " Arthur cried in between the kisses as he pulled away from his son from his face.

Rose sat next to him and kissed his lips.

"How do you like your morning alarm?" she asked.

"Don't like it a bit " he said as he got out of bed getting far away from his son.

Rose carried little Arthur and went back downstairs.

Vanita and her father joined Rose at the table as they waited for the others.

"Morning little angel " Rose greeted Vanita who hugged her.

Samuel said his greeting and took a seat. Irene and Sean followed.

"You look worse than Arthur," Rose told Sean.

"What do you expect after leaving us with two jumpy kids for a full day," He said back.

Justin and Arthur came together and soon breakfast was served.

"How was the day yesterday?" Rose posed the question.

Justin and Samuel said they had fun while Sean complained instead about the kids making them playmates as for Arthur he only showed his nails.

"Well, I see it went great " Rose commented.

"Rose I think we should do it another time," Irene said.

"NO...!...." shouted all the three men apart from Justin who seemed not to mind.

"We did have fun and enjoy each other 's company but I would not want to do it again," Sean said.

"Same here " Samuel joined in.

Rose turned to Arthur who hadn't joined in.

"Love would you mind doing it again," She asked.

"No I would not " he answers without hesitation.

" See guys that's what I told you yesterday He can't say no to her not even if it kills him " Sean complained.

Justin and Samuel nodded in approval while Rose pretended not to hear what Sean said.

After breakfast, Vanita and her father had to leave. Little Arthur rushed to Vanita pulled her for a hug and without thinking twice kissed her.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!.." shouted Arthur.

Little Arthur ran away after his farewell leaving the adults dumbfounded at his shamelessly act.

"Told you he did it yesterday," Justin said.

"Like father like son" said Sean.

After Samuel and Vanita, Arthur looked for his son.

Rose and the others found Arthur holding his son.

"I told you last time that you can't kiss anyone else but me and your mother," he said.

But his son kept shaking his head in denial.

"Do you like her ?" Arthur asked his son.

Little Arthur nodded.

Surprising both Arthur and the eavesdroppers.

Arthur sighed then said, " If you like her then I guess I have to accept her. But promise me you won't kiss her again, you can only hug her " Arthur said.

His son nodded as he delivered a cute kiss on his father's cheek.

Arthur hugged him as he patted his little back.

Rose and her nosy gang ran away before they could be seen by Arthur.

He returned to the living room and joined them.

They all acted innocent and soon it was forgotten.

Justin told them what he had found out and his father's trip.

"I failed to get the exact location of his destination, " Justin told them.

"Who is this person who wants us so badly to pay any price to our greedy old man " Justin wondered.

"It must be someone rich and influential to do that. But whatever he wants from us, we have to find out " Rose said.

"When he returns make sure you try to find out who this person is and what they want from us "

Justin nodded.

"Why does this person only want the three of you and why is your father willing to accept,t " Sean asked.

"I can't think of anything right now but what am sure of is that it about money," Justin said.

Arthur told them his plan and explained in detail how it would be put into action.

They all listened and played their parts.

Justin soon left well equipped with his plan.

"I think we have also overstayed our stay, so we would be leaving, " Sean told Arthur.

"It's not surprising you always overstay your welcome " Arthur replied.

Before Sean could retort back Irene pulled him away.

They finally left after lunch leaving them alone.

Arthur dropped on the couch Rose join g him.

"I hope our plan works, I want this to end soon so that we can have a peaceful life," Rose said.

Arthur agreed too. They watched cartoons with their son in the living room.