
Rose ran out of the company building as her tears came rolling down.

Was she just stupid and naive just like her father said to have fallen for such a person? But they were good people they treated her well, so well it submerged her in happiness, Rose thought.

She walked along the street not knowing where she was going. Her eyes were blinded by her tears that flowed uncontrollably. She could hear all her father's words ringing in her head.

She briefly closed her eyes and stopped moving. Trying to process her thoughts but the sound of traffic on the road seemed to interfered making her feel dizzy.

Arthur walked out of his office and rushed to Rose's but she wasn't in there.

"Where is she?" he asked.

"She left " was all he got from her Secretary.

"Arthur calm down she might have just gone out for air," Sean said.

Arthur ran out of the company entrance as his eyes tried looking for Rose in the pedestrians on the street.

"Let's try calling her " Sean suggested seeing Arthur's anxious face.

But her secretary shattered that option too when she showed them her phone.

"She left it behind " she informed them.

Arthur got in his car and drove off.

"He has absolutely gone berserk," Sean said as he saw him drive off aimlessly.

Irene had just finished her last customer when she saw her friend walk in tears.

She pulled off her apron and left the counter. Running to her friend.

Rose ran to Irene with her tear-stained face. She hugged her holding Irene so tight her knuckles turned white.

Irene let Rose cry out all her pain before she could tell her what had happened.

"He lied to me all this time," she said.

Confused Irene asked what she meant.

"I don't know anymore who I feel for exactly " she cried.

Irene didn't ask more questions and let her sob.

She left her work to her employee and leave with Rose.

She drove to her house since Rose refused to be taken home.

"Here, lay down while I bring you some water, " Irene told Rose.

She had been crying for a long time.

Rose took some water and laid back down.

Irene lay beside her comforting her friend. Rose later fell asleep giving Irene a chance to call Sean who had been calling her like crazy.

Arthur had returned to the company confused and angry.

"Arthur just calm down, She will call when she calms down, " Sean told his friend.

His phone rang seeing who it was Sean picked up.

"What's going?" Irene asked.

"She is with you?" he asked back.

Irene looked back at her sleeping friend.

"Yeah she is "

"Oh, thank goodness " he breathed.

Sean turned to Arthur who looked like he would soon cry.

"I will explain when we get there," he said.

After he hung up he told Arthur that Rose was with Irene.

"She is alright?" he asked.

"yeah, she is " Sean let out as they left the office.

Sean decided to drive worried Arthur would cause an accident if he did.

"She is sleeping right now," Irene told them after she let them in.

"Can I see her?" Arthur asked.

Irene stood in his way and pointed back to his seat.

"None of you is seeing her until you tell me what's going on " Irene announced.

Arthur obeyed and sat right back down.

"She found out about Arthur's and mine past, or let's say our other lives," Sean said.

Sean had told Irene some of his past which scared her at first but she later had to accept since she loved Sean for who he was now. He had told her about Arthur which had scared her even more.

"I told you both to tell her but you decided to keep more secrets behind her back and now see what has happened " Irene argued.

"I was worried it would change the way she looked at me " Arthur let out.

"It would not if you have told her then...

but now she found out from someone else do you know how that hurts?" Irene felt her blood boil.

The room was silent.

"The last time I saw her that way was when her mother died and it broke her heart. I warned you to never hurt her but you failed at that more than once " Irene got up and walked to the door.

Sean and Arthur looked at her with confused faces.

"So please leave and let her decide what to do without you both doing more harm to her " Irene said as she opened the door for them.

Arthur hesitated as he so badly wanted to see Rose but this wasn't his house and Irene was right. He got up and walked to the door.

"Please take care of her, " Arthur told Irene before he walked off.

"I will," she said back.

She turned to Sean who was still seated.

"What are you still waiting for?" she asked him.

Surprised Sean pointed at himself.

"Yes, you leave too," she said.

Sean sulked and walked to the door with his head down. Irene closed it after they left and went back to the bedroom.

She laid back down next to her friend held her close and went back to sleep.

Sean drove Arthur back home with sulked face.

"It's your problem but Irene dragged me into it too so now I have to go back to my empty home " Sean complained.

Arthur was silent in the back seat with his eyes closed.

"What are you thinking about?" Sean asked.

"Who was brave enough to send her those pictures," he said.

"Someone tired of living cause when I get my hands on them I won't blink twice before I put a bullet in their head " Sean spat out thinking about the delicious dinner he was going to miss today because this incident.