Married Couple.

Harry had to leave since he had an engagement with someone but made sure to leave Rose with a smile.

Rose decided to help Irene around her bakery as she thought about what to do next.

"Not going back to the company?" Irene asked.

"Let me take a break," she said.

Irene let her do what she wanted, Rose spent the whole day with her.

Finally finishing for the day they decided to walk home together.

Irene got a text from Sean as they moved home.

"Try moving a little slow so we catch up" it read.

Irene looked back and saw them stalking them.

"If you want my help just ask " she texted back.

"Love, please help your tired boyfriend," Sean wrote back.

Irene smiled and held Rose's hand as they walked trying to decrease their pace.

She saw a toy store and stopped.

"Wait here," she told Rose as she disappeared into the shop.

Rose stayed out waiting for her friend.

"This is your chance " Sean pushed Arthur forward as he hurriedly passes by her and rushed into the toy store.

Rose felt someone almost hit her off the street.

Arthur held her waist stopping her from falling. She felt his perfume hit her senses when bumped into his chest. It was different from Harry that had a hint of the mint of it. Arthur's was calm but addicting just like the smell of Roses.

He let her go as he stood beside her.

Rose ignored him and looked inside the shop only to see Sean and Irene looking at them through the huge store window.

She walked away in anger realizing it was a trap set by her friend.

Arthur followed her as he called her.

"Butterfly please listen to me " Arthur begged.

Rose stopped letting him catch up with her. They walked in silence as they watched the vibrant streets. They walked in silence beside each other noticing the couples that passed by them holding hands. Rose turned to Arthur who was moving by her side in silence. She moved closer and held his hand. Arthur seemed to space out since he didn't expect that from her. After running away the previous day and trying to avoid him, she was now holding his hand as they walked.

Arthur wanted to talk but was afraid he would ruin the moment.

"Am sorry I ran away I was just confused" Rose confessed.

Arthur looked down at their hands and smiled

"Am sorry I hurt your feelings by keeping you in the dark " Arthur apologized.

"So I am like those actresses I see in the dramas who marry rich powerful tycoons with hidden pasts," She said.

"Not really our power isn't because of the people I hurt but because my ancestors worked hard for it " Arthur explained.

"And the people you kill " Rose stopped walking and looked at Arthur.

"They are bad people that deserved to die," he said without hesitation.

She looked away and walking again.

"Did you hurt all those people that harmed me in the past?"

"Yes, and I would do it again if I needed to," he said.

"Are they all dead?" She asked.

"I guess since they are locked up someone repenting for their sins," he told her.

She was silent again which bothered Arthur. He wondered where she was going, back to Irene's place or back home so Arthur decided to follow her.

Dorothy who was worried about Rose after she found out what had happened was outside waiting for Arthur to return.

She saw them came in hand in hand. A smile broke on her face.

She hugged Rose, " Thank you for coming back home " she whispered in her ear.

Rose was quiet during dinner which worried Arthur, she went straight to bed after. Having been spying on Rose the whole day Arthur had a lot of work to finish. He went to his study to do the pending work.

Rose lay alone in bed as she thought about how her life had really changed after she married Arthur.

The bed was cold and lonely that she could not fall asleep. stepping out of it she walked to Arthur's study.

"Can you join me in bed I can't fall asleep " she said.

Arthur who had failed to do anything in his study didn't waste time when he heard her request.

He got up and followed her back to their room.

She got back in bed and soon felt Arthur's side get occupied. She waited to feel his warmth next to her but nothing happened.

He was in bed but she could still feel his absence.

She turned around, Arthur was in bed but kept his distance from Rose.

Rose moved closer to him. Sliding her hands around his chest.

"Am cold please hold me " she hid in his chest and closed her eyes.

Rose felt his warm manly hands hold her as he pulled the covers over their bodies.

"Can we go and see the placed you locked them up?" she asked.

Receiving no reply Rose opened her eyes and looked up at Arthur.

Noticing her stare he sighed.

"It's not a place I would like you to either visit or see," he said.

"But I want to and since I know about it, I suppose am obliged to see it " she stated.

"Okay then," he said in a worried voice.

"I will always love no matter what " She whispered.

Pulling her even closer he said "I love you to butterfly,"