Change of Heart.

Rose wasn't surprised or suspicious of Vivian like the others. When she heard the story Vivian told her Rose's heart suck at the past about her mother. Since her father appeared they had been digging more of her mother's past. She had found out how her mother had suffered from her crazy father.

She has even discovered her twin brother and grandfather in the process. Her family had finally grown from only her and Ralph to Justin and their grandfather. She was satisfied with all that she had got. And adding to that happiness she was expecting twins.

When Vivian told her about the past she had discovered Rose was shocked and sad but didn't oppose it. She understood why Vivian had disappeared after she found out.

Her father's past didn't surprise her anymore. Now she seemed to have one more member of the family. And someone who had nearly caused her to lose her firstborn and once her rival.

Vivian had made some bad choices in the past but after she talked to Rose it looked like she had changed.

Rose walked them out with a smile. If her mother had not hated her best friend for what she had done to her then Rose had no right to hate them too.

She was glad Vivian had turned out to be her sister, not an enemy again.

She smiled as she hugged Vivian and her mother.

"Thank you so much, Rose " Vivian whispered to her.

"And thank you for telling me all this " Rose smiled.

They left with calm hearts.

Rose looked up the stairs, Arthur had not shown up to their meeting. He had left for their bedroom the moment he saw Vivian.

Rose walked up to their room, he was busy with company documents. Rose stared at him but Arthur didn't react to her presence.

"Are you mad at me?" She asked.

He looked up but didn't say a word and returned to his work.

Rose was confused by his reaction and decided to let him be.

Time for dinner arrived but Arthur still didn't come down to join Rose and his son.

"He's not angry just disappointed," Dorothy told Rose during dinner.

"But I only talked to Vivian," Rose said.

"Try talking to him and you will find out why he's like that " Dorothy advised.

Rose took his dinner upstairs after they were done with theirs.

"Love, I bought your dinner," she said.

Arthur was just out of the shower, his body was wet with water. His left hand was holding a towel as he dried his hair.

Rose bite her lip unconsciously.

He nodded and walked away.

Rose placed it down and walked to him.

Their height difference always made her look like a dwarf in front of him.

She looked up with a stern face, " Why are you not talking to me, did I do something wrong?"

Arthur met her angry eyes and smiled, but it disappeared in a second.

"Ahh, so you can smile but not talk " Rose yelled.

Arthur tried getting away from her but Rose blocked all his efforts.

He stopped and looked down at her angry face.

"Don't get angry it will affect the twins " he finally said.

"Okay I won't but tell me why you're acting this way, " She said.

"Can I get dressed first " Arthur stated.

Rose looked down at his half-naked body and smiled. She got out of his way and let him get dressed.

She placed his dinner next to him after he got dressed and sat down.

"Eat something " Rose urged him.

"I don't like you being near Vivian like that. No matter what she says I will never forgive her for what she did to you " he said.

"I know what she did & I haven't forgotten it but Vivian is trying to change and be a good sister," Rose said.

Arthur gaped at Rose, "What do you mean sister " he asked.

Rose told Arthur everything she had found out. He was speechless.

"My family keeps getting bigger and bigger " She laughed.

"I will try not to avoid her for your sake but I can't promise to trust or like her " Arthur promised.

"Thanks love " Rose kissed his lips.

He finished his dinner.

"So are you joining us for lunch tomorrow?," Rose asked Arthur before she left the room.

"But...." she heard him say as she ran away.

Sean had been talking about Vivian since they left Rose's place.

"I can't believe that evil woman is Rose's sister, I don't see any sense in it," he said.

"But you heard her mother and I don't think a woman of that age would lie like that " Irene told him.

He pointed out every detail that showed how Rose and Vivian were different.

"Sean don't linger over that for so long, Rose accepted her all you have to do is try to get along with her " Irene got out of the car.

They walked to the door and were surprised to find a basket.

"Did you except any delivery?" Irene asked Sean

"No," he said as he squatted down to pick it up.

It was a basket with two large food containers.

"It looks like soup and it's steaming hot " Sean smiled. He was always happy about food.

Irene took the card inside and read it.

"It's from your mother " She passed it to Sean.

"Mom made this, now that is a good surprise" he laughed.

They got inside the house, placing the basket on the counter in the kitchen.

"It says she made it for both of us " Sean read the card.

"Well enjoy it but am not eating a drop of that soup " Irene walked to the bedroom.

"But it's for both of us and she must have dropped it a few minutes before we arrived since it's hot," Sean said.

Irene ignored him and made her food after she changed her clothes.

"I think I have had enough of your mother already," She said.

Sean took back the containers the next day and when his mother asked if they enjoyed it he told her the truth.

"I did but Irene didn't even look at it, " He told them.

His mother didn't look pleased by the intel she received.

Sean and his father wondered why she was acting that way.