
Rose felt the mood around Arthur change. Sean and him were staring at each other. But the question had raised her curiosity.

"No he didn't tell me anything " she replied.

Sean leaned back on the couch with a smile, "I think being without you drove him crazy so he decided to drink "

"Don't say another word " Arthur said.

But Sean continued, " the first time he got so drunk, Samuel saw him and decided to take him to his place "

Rose remembered the day she called and Samuel picked up Arthur's phone. So it wasn't the first time.

"He even had breakfast with them the next day but Arthur got drunk again and this time again Samuel was there so he did the same thing " Sean turned to Arthur.

Rose was surprised at the story she was hearing.

"Arthur is it true?" she asked.

He was staring at Sean with a cold glare but he turned to Rose after she asked.

"Yes," he slowly said.

"I just wanted to know if Arthur just decided to be taken to Samuel's place cause he wanted?" Sean asked.

"The first time was just a coincidence but the second time, I just wanted to be away from home again," Arthur said.


"It was lonely that I could not take it anymore. But he had a warm home and every morning they would have breakfast together as a family so...." Arthur fell silent.

"I understand love, am sorry I wasn't here " Rose smiled.

Sean frowned after he heard what his friend had said. Arthur was lonely that he ran to someone he didn't like. So the third time failed cause Rose called him. He thought Arthur was doing something but he just wanted to be among a family.

"You could have called us, am always here for you," Sean said.

"You have your life I can't always depend on you "

Dorothy brought them breakfast.

"And you sometimes act like a fool I can't always count on " Arthur finished.

Sean's face turned red as he gave Arthur an evil glare.

Rose left after breakfast with her son. She visited Alex at the hospital.

Irene hugged her so tight her chest hurt after the hug.

"I missed you " she cried.

Rose told them all about her trip and about her grandfather.

"Justin stayed there, he seemed to like that place more, " Rose said.

They bought in Alex and Ralph's newborn.

Rose held him, "He looks like Ralph " she smiled.

"Did you get him a name?" Alex asked.

"Ahhhh..." Rose hesitated.

Irene laughed, " I told you she would forget "

"I didn't forget, I was busy "

"Busy with what you had a lot of time to think of a name, " Irene said.

"I had to first take care of my sick husband " she lied.

Alex and Irene fell silent.

"What?" she asked.

"Arthur left here last night in perfect health maybe you mean some other sickness " Irene raised her left eyebrow.

"Let her be, it's okay Rose take your time," Alex said.

"Am sorry Alex, but I promise by the end of today I would have got one " Rose promised.

She looked at her nephew and smiled.

"I have to tell you guys something I haven't told Arthur," she said.

They both looked at her.

"What is it?" Alex asked.

"Is it something bad?" Irene asked too.

"It's not bad but something good, although I think it's too soon " Rose held the little fragile hands of the baby.

"Tell us then," Irene said.

Arthur was finally done with his work, Sean was collecting the papers after their discussions.

"Are you going to shop for baby clothes for Alex's baby?" Sean asked.

"I don't need to, Rose and I had already bought some before she left for her grandfather's "

"Ohh, well I need to go do it since Irene refused to go with me " Sean sighed.

"Why, thought you guys were on good terms?"

"Yes we are but she is still angry about my mother's incident " Sean got his coat.

"I would love to help but am planning a romantic dinner for Rose this evening," Arthur said.

"Why am I not surprised, you're always thinking of ways to be together with " Sean smiled.

Arthur got up following his friend to the door.

"Can't deny that " he said back.

"You just can't get enough of her " Sean walked out with a smile, happy his friend was back to being a lovesick puppy to Rose.

Back at the hospital Alex and Irene had woken up the baby with their loud voices.

"WHAT?!...." they both shouted.

" Shhh, you woke him up," Rose said rocking the baby back to sleep.

Little Arthur who was startled too returned to his playing after his mother told him to.

"Say that again," Irene said.

"I said am pregnant again " Rose repeated herself.

Irene shouted again but was stopped by Alex. But it was too late the baby had woken up again.

Alex called the nurse who took him away.

"Irene jumped into Rose's chest, " Am happy for you best friend" she cried.

Alex joined in hugging both of them.

They laughed in joy.

Little Arthur seeing what was going on joined in hugged his mother's leg.

Making them laugh even more.

Settling after the excitement Alex asked Rose how she found out. Telling them how Justin had shouted in excitement after they found out.

"I wonder how Arthur is going to react to this " Irene laughed.

"My brother is good at scoring " Alex laughed.

"I also wonder how he's going to react, " Rose said.

A knock was heard on the door.

"Come in," Alex said.

Sean came in with shopping bags full on each of his arms.

"What is all that?" Alex asked.

Sean had a big smile on his face, " It's for the newborn from me and Irene " he said.

"Oh thank you "

Irene helped him put the gifts down.

"So what where you girls talking about?" Sean settled down.

"None of your business " Irene said.

"Come on, I could hear your voices even before I reached the door "

"Am sorry Sean but you will find out after I talk to Arthur " She said.

"So it's important, please tell me " he pleaded.

"Oh come on she said after talking to Arthur be patient" Irene slapped Sean's head.

"Ouch, but..." Sean fell silent after the door opened.

Arthur walked in.

They all looked up meeting with his calm face.

"Is something wrong?" he asked after they all looked at him.

Sean smiled, " Speak of the devil, so tell him "

"Tell me what?" Arthur asked.

Alex sighed, Irene slapped the back of Sean again.

Rose smiled.

"Tell him so I can find out what it is too," Sean said rubbing his head.

Arthur looked at Rose who had a smile on her face.

"Butterfly what is it you want to tell me?" he asked.

"I will tell you after we get home," she said.

Arthur pushed Sean away and carried his son.

"That's okay, I came to pick you up," he said.

Rose hugged Alex then Irene.

"I will return with the name tomorrow," she said.

"But I wanted..." Sean cried.

"Ohhh shut up " Irene shouted.