"Join Me "

"Do you mean that if I change my face, I can blend in them perfectly?". a voice asked.

It was a feminine figure sitting in the dark corner of a room.

Richard nodded, he was seated on the opposite side of the room. He had a smile on his face.

"Our old faces bring back memories of disgust to them so if we change that. Then we can play them to our heart's content " he laughed.

"All I want is to see them suffer and feel the pain they caused " the other in the room said.

"Then I will see you in mouth's time after your change " Richard got up and walked out of the room.

Arthur was laying on the bed with his head on Rose's lap. She was stroking his head as she read a book.

He had returned from work exhausted. Rose called him over to the bed, placing his head on her laps.

"Rest a little until dinner is ready "She had whispered in his ear.

Arthur nodded and closed his eyes as he enjoyed the feeling of Rose's hand in his hair, he moved his hands around her waist and soon was asleep.

She continued to do it even when Arthur was deep asleep. Rose closed the book she was reading and looked down at his exhausted face, but even then Arthur's face was still handsome.

She smiled thinking back at how they met. He was still crazy for her as he was back then, their son had inherited that from him.

Arthur always behaved differently around Vanita. He seemed to be crazy for her just like his father was for Rose.

Vanita and her charming father Samuel had become frequent visitors in their home. Arthur would not let go of her hand when she arrived. He would run around the house holding her hand with a smile on his face.

Then when they sat down to play, he would keep kissing her until Rose commanded him to stop.

" You shouldn't kiss her without asking for her permission," Rose told him.

But she knew he was just like his father, who never asked when he kissed her the first time.

She heard Dorothy knock on their door.

"Yes, Dorothy," Rose said.

Dorothy announced that dinner was ready.

"Please bring it up for us," she said looking down at Arthur's sleeping face.

Dorothy left and brought their dinner upstairs.

"Come in "

Dorothy and one of the maids came in holding their dinner and fruits for Rose.

The maid giggled when she saw Arthur asleep on Rose's lap as his hands held her waist.

After they left, Rose kissed her husband's cheeks until he woke up.

"Wake up and have some dinner," she said pulling him up.

Arthur looked at her face with half-closed eyes. He didn't want to get up laying back down.

Rose pushed him aside and brought the food to the bed. She pushed a piece of apple into his mouth. Arthur opened his eyes as he chewed on the fruit.

"Get up and I will feed you, " said Rose.

Arthur slowly got up leaning on the pillows as he waited to be fed by his wife. Rose fed him until his plate was empty. After they shared the fruits Rose eating most of them.

"Happy?" she asked Arthur.

He nodded and took the plates away. Arthur returned sitting at the edge of the bed.

"Go shower then return to bed " Rose pushed him with her feet. But Arthur turned grabbing one of her foot .

"Why don't you join me?" he said. Rose could see the mischievousness in his eyes as he said.

"No I can't, I already had my bath," she said trying to pull back her leg.

Arthur smiled as he moved his hand slowly upwards her leg towards her thighs.

"Arthur go shower alone, I won't join you" she giggled by the touch of his fingers.

"Join me," he said again. "It's been long since we bathed together " he was now on top of her.

"Arthur the twins " Rose whispered.

Arthur stopped looking at her baby bump with worry.

"What wrong?" he asked.

"They hate being woken up when asleep" she smiled.

Arthur looked back at her face, " I don't think they would mind if it's their father " he said carrying her off the bed.

Rose struggled to get out of his arms but to no avail.

He got to the bathroom and locked the door. Placing her down Arthur turned on the shower then turned to Rose.

She was now standing there with her arms folded on her chest.

Arthur moved to her pulling down her clothes.

"I will be so quiet that twins won't wake up " he whispered into her ear.

She chuckled meeting his lips with hers and without letting go Rose pulled off his shirt.