"Your face is so Red " .

"Okay "answered Vivian.

Harry stared at her surprised that she accepted so easily.

Vivian walked back into the house placing her bag down. Harry followed her taking a seat next to her.

"So what do we do now?" she asked.

"I have no idea" Harry laughed.

Vivian laughed too.

She decided to take a shower and after watching a movie together. Harry led her to the guest room and left.

Vivian took a shower but realized she had no change of clothes. She walked out in the bathroom robe to Harry's room. And just like last time Vivian grabbed one of his shirts and got dressed. His height difference made it longer on her body.

She walked back downstairs meeting Harry in the kitchen making popcorn.

" I can help," she said. Harry seemed to freeze as he stared at Vivian.

She was dressed in one of his white shirts which exposed half of her white fragile thighs. Her hair was down on her shoulders .

"Hi " Vivian laughed at his face.

Harry woke up from his daze moving aside for Vivian to pass. She got the bowl and placed the ready made popcorn.

"Should I get something to drink?" she turned to Harry. He had fallen silent after she returned from upstairs.

"Hi if you keep staring I might decide to leave," she said.

"Am sorry, but you look good in my shirt that I can't help but stare "he smiled.

Vivian flushed when his smile appeared, hiding her face she turned back to the fridge letting the coldness from it cool her red face.

Harry moved closer to her, making Vivian's body stiffen.

" I think a cola will be fine," he said close to her ear. It turned red instantly.

Vivian nodded grabbing the colas from the fridge. Harry didn't make any attempt to move away as Vivian closed the fridge.

Her body hit his the moment she turned, looking up Harry had a smile on his face.

"Why are you smiling?" she frowned.

Harry laughed, "Your face is so red," he said.

Vivian looked away from his gaze but Harry's hand moved to her chin bringing her closer to his face. His other hand grabbed the drinks from her placing them aside.

"It makes me want to kiss you," he said before his lips met hers. Vivian closed her eyes the moment their lips touched.

The kisses grew deeper and greedier as Harry invaded her mouth with his tongue completely taking over her senses.

Her back hit the fridge as he picked her up by the hs up in his arms Harry carried Vivian.

She clasped her arms around his neck as she kissed him back with the same desire. Still holding her Harry left the kitchen and headed up the stairs.

Vivian let him lay her down on his bed as he got on top of her. She helped him get his shirt off then pulled off his shirt from her body exposing herself. He laid on top of her as his hand handheld her breasts.

She moaned as Harry left her lips sucking the other breast. He was exploring every inch of her body filling it with kisses. It was then she felt his erected member play at her wet entrance.

Harry stopped, staring deep into her eyes Vivian felt time stop.

"I love you, Vivian," he said and before she could answer Harry let himself inside her. Her sex let him move deeper, moaning she held him tighter as her nails dug deeper into his skin.

He kissed her passionately as he started to move in and out of her. The room was filled with sexual pleasure as their bodies moved in harmony.

Vivian held on to Harry as sleep took over her tired sweaty body.