Can't Say.

"Boss I think you should go home now, I can handle the rest myself, " Irene's employee said.

"Don't worry am okay " said Irene.

Her employee looked at her face with a frown, " You have been pale and sickly the whole week, I think you should go to the hospital " he said.

Irene was about to refuse when she lost her balance, her employee rushed to grab her. Gently helping her in one of the cafe seats he passed her a cup of water.

"I think you should go to the hospital now," he said.

"I think so too," she gave him a lazily smile.

He packed her things and got her a taxi to the hospital since she couldn't drive there ".

Now his boss so well, he knew she would change her mind and just go home instead. After he saw her off, he moved back into the cafe and called Sean's number.

Sean had to give. him his number just in case his mother or something wrong had happened to Irene.

"Hello, yes it's me," he said through the phone.

"Did something happen to Irene?" Sean hurriedly asked since he never called him.

"I don't know if you have noticed but, boss has been acting weird this whole week. Her face is so pale and she seems to be having some pain in her lower abdomen" he reported.

"Where is she now?" Sean asked.

"I just got her a cab to the hospital after she almost fainted but since I know her so well, she won't probably go there," he said.

"Then she's heading home, okay thanks for your help, " Sean said and hung up.

He had been in a meeting when he saw the call from the worker. He knew it was about Irene so he could not avoid it.

Turning back he looked around, " Meeting adjourned " was all he said as he walked out.

He moved to Arthur's office, "Hi, I need to go right now " he said.

Arthur looked up and nodded. Then went back to what he was doing.

Sean smiled and ran off.

Just like what her employee had thought, Irene told the driver of the taxi to head to her home. She arrived home and slowly walked to the kitchen and got a glass of water.

Slowly she moved to the bedroom where she lay on the bed, curling into a ball to give comfort to her painful abdomen.

She knew something was wrong, it was now a month since the pains started, at first, she could withstand the pain but with time it increased.

Was it her period since she had missed it but it won't be this painful.

She closed her eyes and tried to sleep.

Sean arrived a few minutes later, he rushed into the house looking for Irene. He found her curled up in bed with a pale face. Her hand seemed to be glued to the left side of her stomach.

He called her name but she didn't respond, gently waking her up. Irene opened her eyes and looked at him.

"Hi " he smiled at her.

She returned his smile but hers seemed to hide her pain. "Hi, how did you know I was home?" she asked.

"Your employee called him, he was worried about you. What wrong love?"

She closed her eyes, "Can't say, all am feeling is pain and nausea".

"Then let's go to the hospital, or I call a doctor for you," he said.

"No, I will be fine after I take a short nap," she said.

Sean sighed, he got up and decided to pull up the covers for her but to his dismay, he noticed something red on her skirt.

He moved closer only to realize, she was bleeding.

Sean jumped off the bed and wrapped Irene in the covers and carried her out to the car. She was too weak to argue or fight back.

Driving like a crazy lunatic, Sean arrived at the hospital where he rushed her to the emergency.