"Your Fault ".

Irene had arrived home earlier than Sean that day since he said his mother was coming to see her. She had decided to go home and cook for her.

She took a shower and changed then went downstairs and started cooking in the kitchen.

She heard the doorbell ring wondering who it was she rushed to the door to check.

"Mo..mother...am sorry I mean " she wanted to finish but Sean mother stopped her.

She was holding a smile, " Please call me mother " she said.

Irene invited her inside and wondered where Sean was.

Seeing that her eyes were not leaving the door Sean's mother said as she took her seat, "He's not with me, I came earlier cause I wanted to talk to you in private " she said.

Irene wanted to get her a glass of water but she refused and instead told her to join her. Taking a seat Irene waited for her future mother-in-law's words.

"I came to apologize about what I did to you," she said.

"It's alright mother, I understand " Irene responded.

"That good since I wanted to make myself clear today and it being the last time I wanted it to be only us," she said.

Irene fell silent and listened.

"Am sorry about the pregnancy, I know it hard to find out that you lost your baby since I did once " she said.

Irene looked up in surprise, " You did?"

"Yes, and it was the most painful experience I have ever had so I know how it feels when everybody wants to see you smile but the fact that your body and mind just can't let you forget it "

Irene smiled as tears flowed down, " Thank you mother for understanding " What she heard from Sean's mother was what she was going through so sharing such an experience made her feel a little lighter.

Sean's mother moved next to her hugging her, " I know it hard and heartbreaking but if you think about it, it's all your fault "

Irene pushed away from the warm embrace she had been wrapped in when she heard what She said.

"What do you mean?" She cried.

"I told you to leave my son alone but you insisted on marrying him so losing your child was your punishment for it "

"How can you say that to me after all that you said?" Irene moved further away.

"Your an evil woman who deserves every bad thing you get, don't think I didn't pity you since it was my grandchild but when I think about it you deserve it "

Irene felt her voice disappear as she listened to Sean's mother talk, it was like this woman enjoyed hurting her.

"Why do you hate me so much?" she found her voice.

Sean's mother scoffed, " You don't know why, okay let me tell you why. I hate you so much for making my son change from his obedient self to me and turn into a lovesick puppy " she moved closer to Irene.

Pointing her figures towards she said, " He was so perfect the way he was but then Arthur had to bring along your friend who brought you along, and that when you destroyed his world. You don't see it but I do and amazingly even his father is under your spell "

Irene felt her head move in circles while her eyes lost for us but she stood her group d and listened.

"Your nothing but a cheap useless woman who wants a high place in our society but I can't allow that to happen. If you love my son the way you do then let him be so he can return to his normal life "

Irene felt a sharp pain hit her abdomen while her body gave in to the pain. Her legs lost balance sending her to a floor, she closed her eyes ready to feel her body hit the cold floor since she felt so weak to fight back.

She could hear Sean's mother scream in surprise seeing her collapse but she could not answer her back.

She waited but nothing happened but felt warm arms grab her before she reached the floor. Opening her eyes, Irene looked up to meet Sean's eyes. He looked worried but smiled a little when she opened her eyes.

"Love what's wrong?" he said in a low worried but loving voice.

She smiled but lost consciousness in his arms.

Sean turned to his mother who was standing in one place with a shocked expression on her face.

He carried Irene and moved up the stairs then returned and called the doctor. His mother was still there in the living room watching him move up and down after the doctor arrived.

"Thank you I will keep in touch in case of anything " he thanked the doctor and walked him off.

"Are you going to ignore me like this?" his mother finally said.

Sean sighed then walked to where his mother was, " What should I say, mother, you just keep hurting her even when she does her best to please you. All she wants is for you to accept us but all you is abuse her over and over again "


"BUT WHAT MOTHER?!.. I love that woman upstairs right now who is in pain right now cause of you, my life right now revolves around her now but you cant even try your best to understand her or like her "

"She is just not for you," his mother said.

"MOTHER!..am saying this the last time, you have no right to choose for me the woman I love and will spend my life with. If you don't like her, then ask yourself why I love her this much and maybe you will like her too but until then..."Sean grabbed his mother's arm jerking her towards the door.

" I don't want to ever see you again cause all y9u so it hurt us both," he said before slamming the door in her face.