"New Victoria "

Rose had fallen asleep waiting for Irene's call, Arthur was still holding her in his arms as he read through the documents he had to send back to the company.

Rose's phone lightened up as a call came in, it's was Irene. Not wanting to wake her he picked it up.

"Hello...." he answered.

"I need to talk to you guys ASAP," said Irene.

"Did something happen?" Arthur asked.

" We have a new problem that needs to be addressed now or it will turn into a new Victoria".

He gently placed Rose on the couch and walked to the kitchen

"Who is it?" he asked

"Richard's stepdaughter and I know her only target is Rose " Irene added.

Arthur felt his blood boil, he had just got back his life to normal with Rose and now I new villain appeared.

"When will they learn to give up, didn't she see what happened to her father " Arthur breathed.

"And that exactly is driving her, it seems she knows that Rose doesn't know about Richard and Victoria's ends. So she using that as a weapon against us "

"She wants to tell Rose about it " said Arthur.

"Yes, She just wants to see Rose hurting and in a broken state "

Arthur fell silent thinking of what to do, should he take Rose away from all of this hell or tell her the truth so they can face it together like they have been.

"Can't they just give up and let her be " he murmured.

"I think Rose should go to her grandfather's home and stay there for a while until we solve and catch this new lunatic " Irene suggested.

After coming to a conclusion with Irene they both hung up. He walked back to the living room where Rose was still asleep. Her nap lasted longer since she was soon due.

He smiled just looking at her sleep she was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. The yellow dress she wore made her shine even more making her hair even darker.

"This time we are ending it " he whispered before carrying her upstairs.

Arthur drove Rose to Irene's place since she wanted to find out what happened with her visit.

After dropping her off he drives off to work with Sean.

"Hi, I told you to call me after but I never received one and I was patiently waiting

like a fool " Rose pulled Irene's ear.

"Am sorry but by the time we left Sean's parents it was already late so I decided to call today but here you are "

Rose let go of her ear and took a seat, asking for a glass of water from Irene.

"You could have waited for me to come to you I feel bad when I make you move in that condition " Irene stared at Rose's baby bump.

Following her gaze, Rose frowned, " What do you mean by condition, am perfectly fine and I can still manage to move around "

"It's because you don't see yourself as we do. Your literally a walking balloon " Irene chuckled.

Getting angry even more she placed the glass of water down, " If you not telling me what happened am leaving and don't expect to see me again "

Irene let out a light laugh then took a seat next to Rose, telling her how Sean's mother apologized and allowed her to call her mother.

"That's all?" asked Rose.

"Yes "

Rose was silent for a while then said, " Arthur might not know it but I heard your conversation yesterday with him " she said.

"Rose... it's for your good " Irene instantly said.

"For my own good, he's keeping secrets from me again, and just like last time you all know about it" she argued.

"What does my father's stepdaughter want to tell me that you hide from me?" she asked.

"That Arthur should tell you himself since it's his burden...but we can't keep letting you get hurt over and over again," Irene told her friend.

"I know you all care about me but you keeping secrets and making plans for me is all wrong, that I can't accept "

Irene sighed knowing that Rose was a stubborn woman.

"Promise me that whatever happens between you and Arthur when he tells you the truth is that try seeing it from his point of view, " Irene asked.

"What do you mean?" her voice shook a little.

" I mean that we are all humans and humans have flawless. Arthur is not flawless so he will make mistakes all the time so all you have to do is just accept who he is just as he did with you"

"I know what you're trying to say and l promised myself the last time never to hurt him like that again cause I love him so much " a gentle smile broke out on her lips.