No matter what.

Rose watched Arthur fall asleep after they moved to the bedroom. It was like a heavy burden had been lifted from his chest.

Pushing back his hair she admired his handsome face wondering how he could be so picture-perfect.

"Your hair has grown longer " she murmured.

Her son walked in holding a flower.

"Mama for you," he said handing it to her.

Bending down Rose placed a kiss on his forehead voicing a thank you.

He moved next to the bed, " Is Dada sick?" he said pointing to Arthur laying on the bed.

"No baby his just tired, " Rose told him.

He climbed the bed and sat next to her placing his head on her lap.

"Dada pretty " he smiled.

"Yes, your father is so pretty I also can't take my eyes off him " she giggled.

Arthur was woken up by the sound of giggles than a soft kiss on his lips.

"Dada, Dada " a voice called him.

"Yes " answered Arthur opening his eyes.

"Wake up, mom cooking delicious "

Arthur kissed his son back and checked his phone. It's was already noon he chuckled, surprised he had overslept.

Turning back to his son, " What your mother making ?" he asked

"Big and yummy " was all he got from his son.

"Okay wait for me here as I get ready," he said moving to the bathroom.

He took a shower changed then carried his son back downstairs.

Rose was setting the table while Dorothy placed the dishes.

"Love " she smiled at Arthur as he came in.

" Butterfly," he said.

"I made lunch so let's eat then go out the three of us," she said.

Arthur nodded taking a seat at the table. Rose served him then took a seat next to him.

Dorothy watched them eat with a big smile. Arthur fed Rose while he ate and Rose fed her son.

Since they had bought a lot of outfits for three, they decided to try them on but Rose having increased in size could not fit in some of them.

"I can't even get my breasts in any of the shirts" she wained.

Arthur had been watching her change into different ones but none seemed to fit. When she came out again complained he had decided they just put on matching colors. With that, the problem was solved.

"Mama, are we picnic?" Arthur asked.

Rose smiled carrying him off the ground, " Yes love "

"Irene aunt and Sean brother coming?" he asked again.

"Yes they are " Rose walked to the car.

Arthur paused, " You didn't tell me they were coming " he frowned.

"Cause I knew you wouldn't agree to Sean coming along "

"Can't we change it right now & make it family only " Arthur turned to Rose.

She chuckled but ignored his puppy eyes helping the maids pack the rest of the stuff in the car.

He drove off to the park as memories of the last time they did go there. It was when his son decided to ignore him and play with a strange girl. Rose turned to him feeling his cold aura fill the car.

"Don't worry love, it will be fun " she smiled.

He avoided her gaze and continued to drive.

Sean and Irene had arrived earlier, waiting for them.

Sean jumped to. the driver's window opening for Arthur with a smile.

"I know you're not happy to see me but am happy to see you " he hugged Arthur who in turn pushed him away.

"If you knew I wasn't going to be happy you should have not appeared," he said walking to the back of the car.

Rose ignoring both men walked to her best friend who hugged her. Arthur came out of the car calling Irene's name.

"Oh my prince charming is here " she carried him up.

As the two men unpacked their stuff the women walked around holding little Arthur's hands.

"Did you two talk?" Irene asked.

She had been worried when Rose called her in the morning to tell her to join them on a picnic.

"We did " she answered.

Curious Irene asked, "And?"

"And I decided to love him no matter the darkness he holds " she smiled.

Irene paused and looked at Rose with a proud smile on her face, " Am happy for you after all Sean is the same case & I still love him no matter what "

When they returned from their walk they found Sean and Arthur done with arranging everything.

Taking their places next to their spouses they enjoyed each other's company.