"Your new sister and brother "

"Mom " Rose called.

Her mother turned smiling at her, " My flower am proud of you "

She could feel the warm embrace from her mother while she hugged her.

"I made you a grandmother again " she chuckled controlling her tears. She was happy to see her again.

"I know and am happy you did " her hug tighten. They sat there in silence watching the sunrise.

Breaking the calmness she told her mother how she had reconciled with her father.

"Your father was a good man when I meant him, but with time he changed. So even when he says his changed don't trust him wholeheartedly"

Rose nodded," Yes mother don't worry I ever let him get near us ".

" Be strong dear, cause what is yet to come won't be easy for any of you " her mother gently placed a kiss on her forehead.

Rose felt her eyes get heavy and slowly fell asleep in her mother's arms.

"Butterfly, Butterfly " she heard Arthur call. He was laying next to her.

She smiled, " I had a dream about mom "

"I know you called her in your sleep "he answered.

" It's so quiet did the party end already?" she asked.

He chuckled, " The party could not go on with you upstairs having the twins "

Her eyes widened, " THE TWINS " she shouted.

He nodded helping her up, " You don't remember, after you fed them they fell asleep "

"Really! everything was fuzzy after I gave birth. I remember very little about the whole incident " Arthur led her to the cribs.

Her eyes sparkled with a smile on her face as she held its little hands.

Arthur hugged her back, " We have one more boy and a girl " he whispered.

She cried watching them sleep.

When they went back to bed she turned to Arthur, " We prepared a lot of names but after seeing their faces I don't know what I should give them "

"We can decide later and your grandfather is soon arriving," he said.

"You told him?" she asked.

" Justin did, he was going nuts after seeing you in pain "

She laughed imagining her brother's face.

"Irene, Sean, Vivian, Alex, Ralph and of course Justin all stayed so they could see you and the twins tomorrow "

"I know Irene is the most excited one " she smiled.

Arthur shook his head, "Not really, just I said Justin was the most excited one. He was more scared than me when you cried in pain "

She giggled.

The next morning she was woken up by the crying babies, Arthur was holding one while Dorothy held the other.

She smiled getting out of bed.

"I think I should feed them now " she took a seat and took the one Dorothy was holding. He fell silent the moment she started breastfeeding him.

Dorothy excused herself to go serve the guests that had stayed the night.

"I heard the twins cry, are they up? Is Rose up too? Can we go up now and see them? " Justin asked endless questions but Dorothy ignored him.

Soon he heard the crying stop and gave up. Patiently waiting with the others in the living room for Rose and Arthur to come downstairs.

And soon they did.

With Arthur and Rose each holding one twin, they came downstairs, introducing the twins to the rest of the family.

"Hi, am your aunt and your mother's best friend " Irene held its tiny hand. Rose smiled watching them each jump in front of her and Arthur to see the newborns.

"Mom, me too " little Arthur jumped up and down grabbing their attention.

"Okay, come here " She took a seat inviting her son over. He looked down at his brother in wonder, ' Small " he laughed.

"Yes, his is " Arthur sat next to her letting Arthur see his sister.

"She's your new sister," he said to his son.

His eyes opened wide when he saw her face, " Pretty, I like her " he gently placed his lips on her white face.

They all laughed.