"Finally left"

It was now midnight and Rose wasn't back yet. The twins had been crying for a while even when Dorothy tried putting them to sleep.

The police had been called and Rose was reported missing.

"Arthur?" Vivian shouted.

He had just arrived, he ran to his kids who had been crying. Dorothy helped him hold them and soon they fell asleep.

"What are the updates about Butterfly?" he asked.

Irene told him all about it, " They searched the whole mall and even the cameras but it's like Rose was never there "

"Then maybe she did and something happened on the way" Arthur picked up his phone calling Sean.

Soon a search party was sent to look for her.

"Why is it always like this, me losing you and then always looking up and down for you " he whispered

A tear had escaped his eye as he watched the twins sleep.

What was he supposed to do now?

The search never yielded any rewards no matter how hard they tried. They had to return home even when he didn't want to.

Rose's grandfather took the twins and Arthur with him for a while as Arthur still searched for Rose.

"It's was just like any other evening since we went there and I clearly remember how she smiled at me before leaving" Irene cried.

Sean had been facing the same situation since Irene came back. She zoned out sometimes and then start crying. Feeling guilty about not going with her boyfriend to the mall.

"Love whatever happened wasn't your fault and I promise me and Arthur will find her " Sean held her letting all her tears flow out.

And just like that weeks became months and months turned into years. But Rose never returned and neither was she found.

Arthur had never lost hope and still searched but it was like Rose never existed. Irene, Sean, Ralph and Alex with Vivian all did their best to be with Arthur through the pain.

With time he returned to the Arthur they once knew and feared before Rose came into his life. The only time they got to see his face soften was when he was home with his children.

He willing took the responsibilities of a father and a CEO. The twins grew up with his care and Arthur who was always jumpy and lively slowly with time turned into a copy of his father. And just like his father their smiles and soft side were reserved for the twins only.

The little Arthur was gone with the years leaving only a cold, smart and emotionless young boy. His mother's disappearance had hurt him to the extent of erasing her from his mind. No one talked about her with him near only his father and Aunt Irene was allowed to.

Life had twisted into a colourless void without Rose in their lives. And the poor twins who barely got her love grew up only knowing their father and brother's great love.