Red and Rose.

She left with Dorothy for the mall to shop for clothes but her card was rejected. Trying all of them but still meeting the same fate.

She knew it was her father's doing so she gave up on it. Dorothy smiled at her offering8 the card Arthur had given to her before leaving.

"I promise to pay you back " thinking it was Dorothy's.

Dorothy nodded and watched her shop like the old times.

With no money to book a hotel, Red knew she had to return to Arthurs mansion. He had been kind to let her stay for the night but that was only because she looked like his wife and the children liked her too.

Dorothy had made her even feel more comfortable as she involved her in everything she did around the mansion. She had invited her into the kitchen to make dinner in the evening.

Everything was going so well until she realized Dorothy had not helped her around the kitchen, it was like she knew where everything was.

After they were done she sat down with Dorothy who offered her a strawberry cake.

"This is going to sound weird but is going to say it " she pulled out the spoon from her mouth.

Dorothy nodded giving her a go-ahead.

"Since I met your boss and his kids I have been having this heavy feeling in my heart. It's like everything around them is so familiar, close and special to me " she said.

Dorothy held her hand, so she continued.

"All my life I have been holding this space in my heart, it kept growing and the dreams didn't stop either. But whenever I told my father he would just tell me to take meds " she frowned.

Dorothy squeezed her soft hand, " Is that space filled now?"

Red nodded, " Since last night after seeing them. it was like I found where I belonged, I have even been doing strange this " she laughed.

"Like what?" Dorothy asked.

"Like..knowing where Arthur's room and serving your boss Iike I always did it. I know it's strange but it felt so right and lovely "

"Your father was always a bad man even after he was given a second chance " Dorothy sighed.

Red was confused by her words, she was going to ask what she meant when someone walked in.

Dorothy got up and welcome her but the guest just stared at Red.

"I have been holding back all day but now that I see you...I can't believe it " Irene cried.

Red got up and watched her walk to where she was.

lrene hugged her. Red hugged her back.

"You could have just said you wanted a vacation alone, we would have let you but disappearing like that....broke my heart " Irene cried

Red didn't say anything and waited for Irene to stop crying. After they took a seat, Irene onto her hands staring at her.

Red had tried to explain to her that she wasn't Rose but Irene laughed and said she could never fail to recognize her best friend.

She told her how they had searched for her and every time failed to find her.

"We thought you just gave up on us and decided to leave but it was that evil father of yours who took you "

"But if you claim am Rose then who is Red, and why did my dad Iie to me all this time? Does it mean I have been living a lie for all those years?"

Red felt a headache pop in.

Irene pulled her close, " You might not remember us cause of what your father did but just know this, Red and Rose are the same people and whether your father erases your mind and changes your appearance, you will always be our gently, kind and beautiful Rose ".

Red felt her heartache again while her eyes filled with tears. She didn't know why but every word from Irene felt true, unlike the words her father and Monica had kept telling her.

" Can you hug me again I don't know why but I feel so sad and angry " Red cried?

Irene nodded and pulled her into her embrace.

"I missed you too " Irene murmured,