"My Mommy "

Rosie and Justin moved to the dining hall to see their mother bring in breakfast with the other maids.

"Mommy" she jumped into her arms. Rose filled her face with kisses. Rosie giggled.

Justin placed a kiss on his mother's cheek after placing Rosie down. Arthur followed soon after.

She held both her sons and kissed them back, "How are my two princes "

"Hungry " Arthur let out.

Justin bent down and hugged her, "I missed you, mommy," he said.

She knew it wasn't going to be easy but Rose was ready to do all for her children.

Arthur held his daughter during breakfast while Rose carried Justine who had refused at first but later accepted.

Little Arthur had kept whispering to his mother about Justin's favourite snacks. After breakfast Rose volunteered to take them to school this time.

"Now those teachers won't call daddy a single Dad " Little Arthur told his mom.

Rosie jabbed at her mother and Rose turned

"Mommy those other mommies keep starting at daddy "

Rose smirked at her husband, "I guess you never lost your charm with the ladies "

Arthur moved back and walked to the car. Telling them they would be late for school.

Arthur decided to go along with them.

When Rosie reached her she pulled her mother and introduced her to all ger teachers, who greeted her with surprise on their faces.

Justin who stood next to his mother gave his classmates a look of pride since he was always teased about not having a mother.

They left the school in chaos since Rose made sure to show herself to everyone especially the mothers who had seemed to eye her husband.

Little Arthur's school was also the same. Rose returned home with a triumphant look on her face. Dorothy had listened with a smile on her face.

"What are you going to do today?" Dorothy asked after.

"Going to see Irene then my in laws," she said.

Irene had hopped like a bunny when she saw her friend. They spent hours talking and going through magazines about Rose while she was still Red.

"Are you going to go ahead with being Red or Rose and work for the company again?" Irene asked.

"I can't say, being Red in front of those cameras always made me happy even when it was a lie. I enjoyed it "

"And the company?" Irene asked.

"The company was like my second home. I loved working there especially since I could see my handsome husband "

Irene saw her friend in a dilemma.

"You should talk to your husband about it " she suggested.

"He will go with everything I say and support me. But I just don't want to do anything that will hurt him "

"So you mean your considering being Red again?" Irene turned to Rose for an answer.