Another Set of Twins

Even in her heavy state Rose was still able to do her job, this time covering clothes for pregnant mothers. And Irene's new branches were keeping her busy too.

Arthur and Sean had been busy with the company since they were expanding it to other countries.

Alex and Ralph had finally started their hospital with a second baby on the way, while the newlyweds had just settled down in their new home.

"Where are the both of you coming back?" Irene asked Sean.

"The last meeting has just ended, we are getting on the jet right now "

"Well you better get here soon or Rose is going to kill you both "

She had prepared a Christmas Eve dinner and invited all her family and friends.

The rest had arrived apart from Arthur and Sean who had been away for a meeting.

Calvin, the twins, Arthur and Vanita wherein the living room playing while the parents were busy getting the garden ready.

Rose had decided to hold the dinner in the garden with the twinkling of the Christmas lights surrounding them.

The huge Christmas tree had taken the centre of the living room.

Ralph and Vivian who had become close were chatting happily on the terrace. The others Irene, Rose & Alex were busy in the kitchen.

"Arthur I told you we should have left earlier now your wife is going to skin us alive " Sean cried getting into the car they had just landed.

"Doing worry we still have time " Arthur turned to the driver telling him to stop by a flower shop on the way.

"WHAT, Arthur you might think your wife is a beast when angry but mine is a lot much worse " he cried.

The kids who had their dinner earlier had dozed off, the dinner table was finally done.

Arthur and Sean arrived right on time with both of them holding flowers.

"Love am sorry we are late " Sean passed the flowers to Irene.

Arthur who was next to go hugged Rose and kissed her than did the same to her baby bump.

" I missed you, "he said kissing her again and passing the roses to her.

Rose's face had brightened up, Arthur carried her to where the dinner was leaving the rest to flower.

Irene turned to Sean and frowned, " So you couldn't thank of that " and walked off.

"I can never do anything right with Arthur around," said Sean as he followed his wife.

Toasts were made especially to Rose for finding her way home.

"This goes my wife who is soon making me a father " Sean shouted but Irene slapped the back of his head telling him not to shout.

Alex who was half drunk got up too, "this goes to Ralph for being a great father and husband and lastly for still being a tiger in..." Ralph held her mouth and pushed her back down to her seat.

"Love, won't you say anything?" Irene asked Ralph.

He smiled, " l want to thank all of you for loving my sister this much and supporting her this far, especially your brother in law ".

Arthur raised his glass and toasted with Ralph.

He looked around the table and then rested his eyes on Rose. She was glowing with a smile on her face, her left hand was stretching on her belly.

"As Ralph said thank you for being a family to us since the very start and loving Rose this much," he said smiling at all of them.

His eyes moved back to Rose, "To you my Butterfly, keep looking at me that way and I promise to never get tired of loving you "

He bent down and kissed her.

"Oh come on you both wait till you get back to your room " Ralph and Sean complained.

Arthur and the two other men helped clean up while the three pregnant women and Vivian chatted.

"Don't worry anytime soon you will be like us" Irene laughed at Vivian

She was admiring their baby bumps.

"I admire your slim body now " Alex touched Vivian's body.

She giggled watching the change positions to get comfortable.

"Irene and Alex still have a few months to go but you Rose is due anytime soon " Vivian helped Rose raise her feet.

Rose didn't answer but moaned.

Irene turned to her, "What wrong love?" she asked.

Before she could answer the pain increased, trying to smile she turned to Vivian and said, "Honey, go get my husband "

Vivian frowned but before she could ask why she saw something drip between Rose's thighs.

"Okay I got it," she said running away.

Irene and Alex got up, "Ahh Rose you and your babies always stop the fun. One minute we are chatting and the next you're having labour pains " Irene smiled at her friend.

Rose tried to smile back but another wave of pain hit her again.

She cried in pain.

Arthur came in running and got to where Rose was. Carrying her he moved upstairs.

"Why don't we just go to the hospital" Vivian suggested.

Ralph was ready on the phone to call another doctor to come to help him. Irene and Alex were now busy getting the other things prepared.

"Since all their kids have been born at home, I don't think Arthur sees it necessary to go to the hospital anymore," Alex told Vivian.

The other doctors finally arrived and only Arthur remained inside the room with them.

It was a long and painful labour but Rose was able to fight her way through it.

A few hours after the doctor came out, the anxious woman got up.

The kids were now awake too, all the maids and Dorothy waiting.

"She's okay and so are the babies," he said.

Everyone breathed with happiness. Ralph came out next with a smile.

"It's another boy and a girl," he said.

The twins and Arthur ran inside to see their new siblings. Their father was holding both the newborn and knelt to show them their cute faces.

"Is mommy okay " Arthur moved to the bedside watching Rose sleep.

"She is, mom is just tired so why don't we look after the twins and let her rest " Arthur moved the kids away from the bed.

Dorothy soon came in and helped him.

And others came in later to see them.