Chapter 25: Blindsided Part 2

A prompt medical screening derived no serious injury, so Jessica returned home that same night. She wouldn't leave, at first. Beth's remains were somewhere; they had to be. The cleanup crew was coy, however, and offered nothing until they came upon the necklace, the six-sided star.

Under the dark sky, only the sound of her feet brought company. Hers was a slow gait of remorse, down and down the village avenues, head low in the cast shadow of evening lights. Plenty of white orbs to guide her path home, although her thoughts did not wander to Apple Mire. They retreated in the silence of solitude. No other soul stirred on the path home, a path long-winding. The gravity board had never felt so useless.

She mumbled recitations nearly every step of the way. Beyond the yards and terraces, she repeated them. Past the closed doors of cafes and restaurants, she cemented them. At the storefront where big, lightless letters spelled Tacquizza, she shouted them.

"What is the point?"