Halfway up the flight of stairs, leg soreness started to kick in. Just a little more, she kept thinking. No more conspiracies, no more running, no more dragging my friends through this nightmare. In tandem with fatigue, hopeful prospects accompanied her all the way to the top, where she found the other side.
On the roof, where she became reacquainted with the night sky, she recoiled at the deplorable sight of Malvis standing in the middle, waiting. White coat under the stars, boots on the concrete, hands behind his back, he stared like a statue. Nothing made less sense than his composure.
"You are the final piece," he began, walking casually. "Your alliesÑfellow traitors, Sub Terra and the operatives in the city, are apprehended. And what remains shall follow."
Warily, Jessica hung off his every word. Out of a thousand absolutes, she grabbed ahold of one. She would not surrender.
"In simple terms, you have failed, Lynx."