Chapter 67: The Demon of Dissent Part 2

With cat eyes, Jessica surveyed the placement of explosives on every support beam. The LEDs blinked from green to red.

Beelz and her men repeated the action on the next floor, which housed a grandiose lounge in front of a glossy white conference room. Every corner was home to an animated plant: a swirling stem whose sealed petals housed blue bioluminescence; a cactus-like curiosity with razor-sharp pink petals; a white vine whose stem sprouted dancing dandelions; and fungi with glowing green caps extending over one another like a lava lamp. They were the kinds of off-world wonders Jessica wished would decorate her room, but she had to abandon curiosity long enough to note the gigantic pillars around the conference table Ð They almost blended into their surroundings, yet were oddly redundant.

Without a wasted beat, Beelz's crew set more explosives and returned to the stairs en route to floor 85. During their upward trudge, Monarch's anxious and heavy breath returned.