No Remorse

I was looking at the dead body or at least what remained of it. This was the first time I've killed anyone, still, I was not feeling remorse nor frightened by a fact that I've killed a human. If it was me, in my previous body on earth, I wouldn't have guts to hurt a fly but surprisingly enough here I was indifferent. This was probably due to my new body, even I don't know what side effects it had that changed my mentality.

Pair of blondies opened their eyes and looked at me with a stupefied expression. They had accepted their death but at the last moment, they were saved.

Skinny guy's legs were trembling with fear, he wanted to say something but words were stuck in his mouth.

"Amelia, deal with him," I said with a sulking tone.

"As you wish, Master," she replied.

She took out her short sword and started walking towards the skinny guy. He fell down due to fear and start crawling backward.

"Don' me," he was shaking with fear.

"Die, you lowly human," Amelia said with a cold face.

She swung her sword and separated his head from his neck as blood spurted out.

Now there were still more than 100 soldiers slaughtering villagers, I had to deal with before more of the villagers died. I cast a spell.

Dozens of Skeleton Warriors, Skeleton Archers, Zombie Warriors emerged from the ground, they all got on the knees as if awaiting orders.

"Amelia, take command of them and wipe out all hostile soldiers," I commanded her.

"As you command, I'll kill all those lowly humans who dared to go against my master," she said with a cold smile.

Like in the game, in this world also, she had the second command all over my summoned monsters and creatures.

As she took off with all the undead to finish the soldiers, I moved towards the pair of blondies, both of their faces were wet with tears and the older one had pained face due to arrow in the leg.

"Are you two alright?", I asked them.

"Thank you for saving me and my mother," younger blondie sobbed.

"Powerful mage, please I beg you, save everyone else," milf blondie said with pleading eyes.

"Don't worry, I'll save everyone else but first I've to heal the wound on your leg," I said with a sympathetic tone.

I took out a healing potion from inventory and handed over to her.

"Drink it," I said.

She didn't question what is it and gulped it down. I guess there are healing potions in this world too. Instantly, her wound started to heal and the arrow got out of her leg automatically.

I offered my hand, she took it and stood up while her boobs swayed, I gulped down my saliva looking at them.

"Thank you, again," she bowed with moist eyes.

"Ah, don't worry I was just passing by saw this village in trouble," I said.

"Father," young blondie shouted and started running towards the dead body of the pitch guy.

"Rylan," milf blondie also ran after her.

Both of them held the body of pitch guy in arms and started sobbing. I left them to grieve and started to observe the situation of battle.

Soldiers were unsuccessfully trying to hold their positions but they were outmatched and outnumbered. Tables are turned. At first, they were the ones to do massacre and now it was their turn to get massacred.

Amelia was in the front on an undead small army and whenever she swung her sword, the enemy next to her fell. She was agile and careful, not a single drop of blood fell on her white beautiful dress.

Soon when there were only five or six soldiers left, I ordered Amelia and undead to stand down and walked towards soldiers.

"Why were you attacking the village?," I asked the burly man who looked like the leader.

"Because I felt like it," he mocked me.

"I've no time to play games," I said.

A shard of ice formed on my hand and I flung it on leader's leg, it burst on impact and severed both of his legs.

"Aaahhhhh!!!!," he shrieked.

I again overdid it. It was just a simple Tier 2 spell and he couldn't even take it. Now he is in no condition to talk.

I turned to another soldier who was shaking with fear.

"Do you want to talk now or should I make you talk?" I asked.

"I'll talk, I'll talk. We are under orders of Baron Wilfrid, our orders were to loot and burn the village, leaving no survivor behind and make it look like a bandit attack," he replied.

"Now, why would noble of the kingdom turn against his own people?" I asked.

"You are not from the Kingdom of Glacia, are you? It is due to the civil war whole kingdom is in chaos. Like other nobles, Baron Wilfrid is also contributing towards the war effort. By taking grains and coins from these peasants he can raise an army to attack other weaker nobles and absorb their territories into his." he replied.

"Always common people suffer in the war of nobles" Amelia said indifferently.

"Yeah but like I care who lives or who dies as long as I and people around me are safe," I said.

"I've answered your question, please let us go now," the soldier asked politely.

"Do you think you deserve to live after killing so many innocents," I said aggressively.

Spinning daggers formed out in front of me and shot towards soldiers.

"Please don't....Ahhhh!!!" soldiers uttered their final cry before getting pierced by daggers.

Though I could have asked for more information about this world from soldiers but I'd rather asked them from villagers who are indebted to me.

Now I realized I've formed some kind of superiority complex against people of this world. In a short amount of time, I've killed a few people and ordered the death of dozens of people and I don't feel remorse. This ruthlessness and coldness are probably due to my game avatar which is my body now.