Norfolk City

[Max PoV]

Early in the morning, I was walking side by side with Lyla while holding her hand. She didn't reject my small advances like this where I take advantage of her.

"I'll be gone for a few days, will you miss me?" I asked gently.

"Mmmm," she only nodded.

"Make good use of these undeads, you can work them to bone, they don't get tired, they don't eat nor they need rest," I said.

"I'll make good use of them," she replied.

"Here I have a little gift for you," I said with a broad grin.

From inventory, I took out a small blue and white diamond shaped pendant and shown it to her.

"It's beautiful," she muttered.

"Let me put it on," I said.

"I can't accept this, it looks expensive," she said.

"Don't worry about it, it's nothing for me, besides it'll protect you and you

can use it to communicate with me," I said.

Then I moved behind her, caressing her soft beautiful blonde hair I moved them aside and put on the pendant gently. Then I moved my face toward her ear.

"You are beautiful," I whispered and bit her earlobe softly.

She moved her head down feeling shy, her whole face was flushed red. Then I moved beside her and after locking my arm with her, we walked towards the outskirts of the village.

"Oi, Max you are late," Myra shouted towards me while waving her hand.

She was sitting in a carriage while holding reins of horses. I guess she'll be our driver for the journey. It was a small old looking worn out carriage pulled by two horses. This is the best thing you can hope to find in this poor village. I could have summoned griffon, or maybe a wyvern for a ride but it would have drawn so much unnecessary attention. Beside the carriage, Amelia was loading some camping supplies.

"I was discussing some important things with your mother," I shouted back.

"Take care of my daughter and... yourself too," Lyla said with a crimson face.

"You too take care of yourself," I moved forward and kissed her on the cheek.

You...," with a red face like a tomato she pinched my waist and ran away like a kitten.

I turned back and Amelia and Myra were glaring at me with pouty expression.

Distance from here to 'Norfolk' city was roughly three days. Occasionally, teasing and flirting with both beauties we reached our destination. Sometimes I would switch seats with Myra then she would teach me to drive a carriage, I swear that was not a Death Mage rather inner Max who wanted a little fun in the fantasy world and Myra was proud too that she could teach something new and simple too strong person like me. I had riding skills for horses and other creatures but none for driving a carriage. Mostly it was a dirt road in the whole journey, it wasn't a comfortable experience. Man, my level 100 ass was sored after riding this cheap carriage for days.

"We have nearly arrived," Myra said.

It was an hour or two after the sunset, still I could clearly see 'Norfolk' city in front of me. It was surrounded by huge walls, which appeared to be 40 feet high.

After getting inspected by guards at the gate and paying one copper coin as a toll we got into the city. The city was very lively, many houses were made of clay and brick and some were made of stones. I could hear hustle and bustle of the city, vendors were shouting to attract customers. Overall, this city didn't look like it was affected by civil war. We parked our carriage in the nearest stable from the gate. It's cheaper to park there than to park at an inn or someplace else, the staff there takes care of horses and supplies left in the carriage.

"So, noisy," Amelia complained.

I can somewhat relate to her feeling, it feels like you are surrounded by bugs. Though I can control my superiority complex because I was originally from Earth and was used to treat and get treated equally. Ironically, she didn't feel the same way for Myra and Lyla. At first, she seemed a little jealous of them then it turned into acceptance and now it was affection and care, especially Myra, she treated her like a little sister, they became close after three days of ride and Amelia training her when we camped.

"There is a good inn nearby, I usually stayed there with father," Myra said.

"Lead the way, my lady," I replied.

While holding hands of both Amelia and Myra, we walked towards the inn while I was in the middle. Having top class beauties on my both sides, I received many envious glares of men which made me act more intimate with them just to piss off those bastards. After teasing and flirting for days, Myra was not reserved anymore and didn't mind things like holding hands.

Finally, we arrived at the inn, it was called 'The Smooth Bed Inn'. It looked neither cheap nor luxurious. I guess it'll be alright for me, it's not like I'm picky. But Amelia had a frown on her face but seeing me not complaining, she didn't say anything either.

"Welcome, do you want a meal or wanna stay for a night?" a middle aged woman greeted us.

"Stay for the night and if possible I would like the meal to delivered at the room," I said politely.

"We have got only one room left and it will be three copper coins including dinner and tomorrow morning breakfast for three people," she said with a smile.

Hearing that there's only one room available, Amelia had a mischievous smile on her face while Myra was bashful.

I had received a little reward from villagers for saving them which was funding our trip so far. Paying innkeeper we went to our room.

In this world or at least in this Kingdom, there was copper, silver, gold and platinum coin. Apparently, currency worked like this:

1 Silver Coin = 10 Copper

1 Gold Coin = 100 Silver = 1000 Copper

1 Platinum Coin = 10 Gold = 1000 Silver = 10000 Copper

After having a meal, I shamelessly went and laid on a double bed in the room. I am not that type of gentleman who will sleep on the couch and let ladies take the bed. Besides, there was no couch in the room and who in his right mind would sleep on the floor.

"Hey, have some shame, let ladies sleep on the bed," Myra rolled her eyes at me.

"There is enough space for you two, have you ever heard that sharing is caring," I teased her.

"Fufufu," Amelia chuckled and laid beside me hugging me tightly.

"See she doesn't mind," I winked at Myra.

"Geez, you leave me no choice," Myra pouted and reluctantly got into bed.

That was a very sweet night for me, sleeping while embracing two beauties, Not gonna lie, 'The Smooth Bed Inn' really lived up to its name.