Piercer of Terror

[Max PoV]

The situation wasn't looking good, walls with spikes were closing on us while our path was blocked by great numbers of ghouls. Despite being Archer Julia was moving ahead of everyone, I guess she really lost it after losing her idiot brother.

"Hey, get in a formation" loli shouted at her.

She turned deaf ear to her, still moving forward while shooting arrows nonstop.

"Tch! Move fast everyone," she ordered.

Soon we caught up with her, now at the front, warriors were cutting down every ghoul in the path but there seemed no end to them. Immediately, we were surrounded by them at both front and back.

"Mam, what do we do? We can't move forward nor retreat"

"Let me make a way for everyone" for once I generously purposed.

"No, reserve your mana. Just buy me time all of you, dealing with ghouls is easy for me"

Now, there were two people in front and two in back. While in middle there was me, Julia and loli bitch who had magic circle beneath her, casting a spell.

"I'll kill them all," Julia said with a cold face and again begin moving forward.

"Hey, stop it get ahold of yourself" I grabbed her hand to stop her.

"Please don't concern yourself over me," she said with lifeless eyes.

Pulling her closer, I touched my forehead with hers. "Now, listen to me. What I want you to do is to take care of the front, let no ghoul pass these two, and let me take care of your back, got it?" I said.

Nodding her, she stepped back from me and turned towards ghouls that were coming from the front. A ghoul jumped on adventurer but before he could bite, she shot an arrow straight through his head.

'Looks like she'll be fine for now'

I turned back and start casting Tier 3 and Tier 4 spells to keep ghouls at bay that were coming from the back. I was just curious that how loli bitch would get us out of this situation.

'If she's all bark and no bite, then I'll have to take action myself.'

In less than two minutes, Julia had fired over fifty arrows but still, there was no end to these ghouls. The other four adventurers too were exhausted. The hall had less than thirty feet width left, soon we would be pierced by spikes then get crushed between walls. Meanwhile, loli bitch had eyes closed and casting a spell. I too was casting mostly fire elemental spells nonstop.

I heard a sound of snapping. I turned back to look, Julia's bowstring was broken along with a lower limb of the bow, also she was almost out of arrows.

"Shit," throwing her broken bow aside, she took out a dagger from the sheath that was strapped to her thigh and proceeded forward.

"Why are you so eager to die today?" I said.

"I'll not stop until all of them are dead"

Shaking my head, I opened the and then filtered it as Weapons--->Bows---> Required Level: Low to High

Going through the interface, I finally found a perfect bow for her. I obtained this bow in ruin while I was doing a quest when I was a low level player. Since I am a mage this bow was useless for me and later I forgot to sell it. It's probably in my inventory for years.

Piercer of Terror

Weapon Type: Shortbow (Can be extended to Longbow at will)

Damage Type: Piercing

Item Rarity: Epic

Enhancement: +27% Armor Penetration

+11% Critical Chance

+6% Flanking Damage Bonus

+4% Heal on Kill

"Here take this" I handed over the Piercer of Terror along with the quiver and standard arrows to her, she reluctantly receives it.

"It's so perfectly crafted, I've never seen such a fine bow before," she muttered under her breath.

This shortbow was admirably constructed of amazingly strong red oak wood that matches the hair color of Julia. Its string was made from exceptional silk. The limbs were decorated with wrapped vines and end in long points ornamented with sharp blades,

The narrow quiver was made from rare fur and hide and was supposed to be worn around the archer's back. The outer side was decorated with gilded decorations, which likely was meant to purely make the archer stand out.

Turning around, she took a stance and nocked an arrow. With short red hair, revealing clothes, serious expression, and whore like a beautiful face, she looked so sexy.

Arrow shot like a lightning, piercing dozens of ghouls on the way and struck the large double door at the end of the hallway leaving a large crack on it.

"W-Where'd you get this bow?" she asked with a surprised voice.

"Just found it somewhere lying around" I replied with a smile.

With a look that says that 'I don' believe you' she started to shoot more arrows. I also start focusing on ghouls that were surrounding us.

At that time Claire's crimson eyes opened.

Dark waves shot out in all directions, making hundreds of ghouls kneel.

"Hahaha look, Max, I can control all of them, I bet you can't cast a spell as grand as thiiisss..." saying this she tumbles forward and starts falling down.

When she was halfway down, I grabbed her from the back of her blouse and put her on my shoulder like a sack of potatoes. The ghoul situation was in control but if we didn't hurry up then we'll be squashed between walls.

"Oi, bastard. Put me down," coming out of her dizziness she started shouting.

Putting one hand on her soft ass for support, I start moving fast while Julia was again in lead.

"Move your hand away, bastard. I'll bite you to death," she started punching on my back with both hands. For a girl who couldn't walk a second ago, she sure had great strength in her blows.

Ignoring her, I kept going. Finally, we reached the end of the hallway that was now only six feet narrow. The double door that still had an arrow stuck in it was opened by Julia and we went in.

We arrived at a completely small empty room that led nowhere.

"What do we do now?" one of the four adventurers asked.

"First make him put me down," Claire protested.

I had secretly rubbed my hand on her ass all the way, she had a completely red face like tomato mixed with both shame and anger.

At that time Julia started taking action, she randomly began to press the wall bricks.

"Hey, wait don't touch any....," as I was saying this, she pressed brick and with click sound the floor we were standing on opened and everyone started to fall.

Author's Note: Sorry, for the slow updates, I am busy these days, I'll make it up to you later when I get free. If you have any questions or want to correct any mistake in this chapter then comment down and I'll try to reply to everyone. Thanks for reading!