The Locum destroyers were closing in on their target. They had visited Ahmadeus hundreds of years ago, now they needed to call on it again for two reasons. One, to claim fresh supplies of Crytaalic, and two, to check out what new technology was available for them to take. Not too dissimilar from the Trimadians goals, except for the fact that the Trimadians required a different type of crystal, and when required, strictly organic hosts. The common factor was neither had any regard for the needs of others outside their respective race.
The Locum waged war on everything. There was no personal gain for any one individual, only a never ending incessant quest to expand their knowledge and to further their collection of stolen technologies. There was no war amongst their kind. In fact, there was no in-house fighting, as they did not possess egos, emotions, or any sense of morality. They had spread exponentially like an uncontrollable virus.