I honestly think thats a bit melodramatic, Manutaai. Still, I want answers to my questions, but at the same time Im scared of finding out the truth.
Im sure in time you will find out what you need to know. He paused. The Cantal people would worship you, if it were true, Kate. Maybe you are the gods intervention to the centuries of tyranny that dominates our galaxy. Time for a change in power perhaps?
Are you serious? I dont want anyone to worship me, IIIm not that sort of person, she stammered and sighed. Yep, heres me, ready to save the whole world and kill everyone on it. I couldnt help anyone when the bombs hit, could I? I feel like everyone is pulling my strings. Kate felt the sting of tears in her eyes again.
His arm snaked around her waist and pulled her to his warm body. That is certainly not your fault. I think for anything worthwhile there is always war and sacrifice.