Chapter 40: Power Of The Gods Part 3

“Are you still there?”

“Of course! I haven’t physically left the room. Guess my molecules are flying as free as a bird,” she giggled.

“This is incredible!” Marone could hardly contain himself. What a weapon he would have!

“You don’t use a ring scanner do you?”

I don’t even know what that is!

“I heard you! You spoke to me in my mind. Can you—can you walk through walls?”

“I don’t know. Would you like me to try?” her taunting sexy voice replied.

Kate could see herself, speak and use telepathy. The answer is all in one’s perspective. Talk about getting out of your comfort zone! She understood this was because she was within a different dimension. To everyone else present on the “normal” plane of existence, she was invisible. She began thinking about all sorts of things she could get up to when a loud blaring noise made them both jump. Marone fiddled with the large ring on his finger. She noted it was similar to Talokta’s.