An icy cold fear gripped at Kate. Okay, Im a big girl. Can you give me the big picture? Call me a bit of a skeptic, but am I meant to turn into some sort of religious icon, a god and rule the universe or something? She let out a nervous laugh.
Sataals dark eyes looked serious. Yes or something.
Kates voice was hoarse when she said, Please, tell me Im dreaming, or at least youre kidding me.
Sataals silence and pain filled eyes told her enough. She calmed herself down as much as she could, given the circumstances.
In a whisper, she said, I get the impression Kalvich is not a very nice person.
Sataal continued, as the memories came flooding back from his Trimadian boyhood. He could oust the Cathexistome from his body, but never the memories and the education he had received.