Kalvich, still grieving, locked Cemel up, and harshly yelled at the old man,
How do you feel, using your cursed magic to murder the queen?
Cemel simply said, I would rather live in perpetual torment than to ever expose her to the darkness that would take over her world.
Be careful what you wish for old man, it may come true.
And until the queen rose again, he made sure the old man suffered.
Even the dominating gods were on a limited time line as he possessed the cursed sword and that alone made them only capable of observing. Kalvich hated them more than Cemel, who at least, never cowered or showed fear to his enemy. He openly claimed his ex family as inept foolscringing in their lofty dimension fearful for whatever he would do. He despised them and he despised their hypocrisy. He would give them limited time alright, but he would never let them see him coming.