Cemel always enjoyed creating and experimenting with new and established technologies. He had in his possession a secret device called the Chalmoc. He classed it as his favorite toy, alongside his transmutation machine. Very few in the Supreme Rulers folds were privy to his inventions.
Eons ago, his spies had infiltrated the Septens home world, stealing the basic technology that helped create this particular toy. The Septens were in the early process of building up the device to help create images of pretty landscapes in 3-D holograms for their museums, for the pure enjoyment of their subjects and visitors. This was to them an innocent form of technology.
The insidious mind of the Supreme Ruler saw the potential for mind control. He adapted his own drastic modifications, interfacing with his master computer. The result was, at any time, he could transform areas of Casus Belli into his own playground to manipulate or entertain depending on the company he was keeping.