Chapter 80: Romance For The Lonely Part 4

“You are one of the reasons why Earth has been left alone. The other is simply the gods would have stepped in.” He saw her look of uneasiness and took stock of his tone. “Earth is a favorite of the Elder Gods that rule this universe. They exist in a different dimension than their mortals do. They too have been waiting for your reincarnation and entrusted Cemel as your guide.” Though they never expected me to get to you so fast!

“You and Cemel are, or were enemies. I don’t understand.”

“You have had visions and they have not been very coherent all of the time, have they?”

“You are right about that! But how do you know all this?”

“Because I have your third bloodstone and Sidonio was trying to stop you from getting it.”

So Sataal was right, there was a third stone—an important connection to her.

The Trinity Peak.

“Sidonio? My, er, husband from millennia ago. Why?”