Chapter 99: Revolutions Part 4

“According to ancient history—yes! He kept quiet until his queen reincarnated. Nothing can stop him using it to come through,” commented Pete gloomily. “After they took us prisoner on Ahmadeus, Talokta sent her back to get the stones, along with his threat to our world. For all we know, Earth could be in imminent danger as we speak. It seems no planet we have visited have any crystals near the portal. We thought of bringing our crystals with us and a generator for the power, but that would mean putting our home base at risk, as we cannot successfully duplicate the crystals.”

“Another thing too,” ventured Tremaine. “Quite a few planets we investigated are inhabited, and the ones that we have communicated with have never mentioned or know of the Trimadians. We only knew about them since the Cantals were discovered on Ahmadeus and they shared their knowledge with us.”