Her mind traced over when she first arrived and fell ill. She was taken aback with the annoying orange colored alien quack who possessed a somewhat disdainful disposition toward the so called weaker species called humans. Absent was the reasonable polite discretion one would expect from a physician. He had made an impression on her, likened to the subtlety of C4 igniting in a barrel of sticky oatmeal. The vomit like substance he had prescribed did make her feel better for a while at least. Perhaps she had to learn to be more, openminded and accepting toward the many more species she would encounter.
And Dr. Ventrowe turned traitor to his Masters a Lae Tu.
As far as she was concerned, he played a major, unforgivable part to blame for turning her old team mates against her.
They all would be punished for their participation in high treason, Kalvich had stated.
She glanced back into the mirror and swallowed.