Chapter 120: Preparations & Observations Part 2

Alone in his makeshift quarters on the second floor of the Fortress, Cemel was impatiently counting down the minutes when he could have his body back. To kill time he began checking out the activities on a set of monitors. He, like Montava, grumbled at the annoying space debris crowding his doorway. Still, never before had he seen so many ships gathered, except maybe in times of battle. He enjoyed making his ‘guests’ feel a little…intimidated. It went a long way for him. It was so easy, only allowing Trimadian ships to land, forcing most other domain and galactic guest ships, various neighboring governmental and private ships to stay in orbit and utilize their tiny shuttles. With a combination of amusement and wariness, he watched countless crafts emerging from the bowels of their parent ships, heading for the surface like tiny specks of excrement.