Leah flew across and up to her room. Passing through wall after wall, room after room. She gasped when she spied Cemel sitting at a desk. He was studying a hologram image that appeared to be emitting from his ring. She drifted down to take a closer look, and jumped when he looked up, straight at her could he see her? His eyes moved around the room as if he was searching for something. With fright, she opened her eyes . She thought she would fall into his lap no, she was back in her room on the rug.
That was the most frightening and exhilarating experience to date!
Even though she had totally focused on steadying her breathing, now the experience was over, her breath and heart rate accelerated from the shock of it. It was a minute or two before Leahs beating heart allowed her to stand up, with a lopsided grin on her face.
Well boys, that was the practice run. Let the games begin!