Chapter 159: The Necradome City Part 2

A small beep interrupted her address, she pulled out of her pocket a tiny hand computer and consulted it for a few seconds.

Her thick eyebrow lifted a fraction. “It seems we have a special guest who has arrived. He has requested a certain female to accommodate his taste.” She glanced down at the device again, noting the code requested, pressed a few commands then promptly deposited it back into her pocket. Her eyes glided momentarily to the mirror “It seems he has already made his selection.”

She marched to a guard, said a few words and turned back to the women, “Follow me.”

They all turned and walked to the exit, as the guard who had been consulted walked toward them, past the fearful females, until his hand rested on Leah’s shoulder.

The women behind Leah quickly side stepped and hurried to catch up with the rest. She felt the women’s sympathy and simultaneous relief that they weren’t the one chosen.