He frowned, skewering her with his gaze. The playfulness gave way to a cold sneer in his eyes. He knew about the new queens power, certainly she was the subject of most of the talk in the dormitory. Being the ChosenOne which, as Talokta had pointed out was required reading. None had hesitated in that area, this strange female had done more than heat up their rampant curiosity the ancient human queen betroved to their Supreme Ruler.
Every Trimadian male never took anything with a grain of salt. Caution was inbred.
Lord Talokta had made it clear to the trainees that her powers did not exist in the computer dimension. He sensed she would never cheat and use them if she could, well at least in these circumstances. So, she was either incredibly gutsy or incredibly stupid. There was a possibility that if he beat her up and took the ring, he might be brought, no he would be brought before Kalvich and that did not bear thinking about.