Chapter 215: Destination Zhesta Part 3

He is spoiling me…

“Yes he is, and you better behave, they are very strict there!” He admonished.

“Me, I always behave," came the retort.

“Yeah, few would believe that… highness. At least for my sake, try to, or they may never have us again!”

“Thanks for letting me have a go at flying, I absolutely love it,” she stated, drooling over the array of controls.

“Do you want to sit here again?”

“Just to peep out the front window, that’s all.”

Talokta exhanged a quick glance with Montava who had finished his communication. Montava nodded and pressed a series of buttons, jumped out, quite grateful to stretch his legs.

“So, your highness, what did Montava just do?”

“I guess the computer controls the ship, some sort of cruise control.”

“Very good.”

She observed Talokta still had his feet up.

She smiled and slid fluidly into Montava’s seat “Nice one,” she purred and put her own feet on the console.