Both men had been drinking heavily, and their voices were raised. The words rang in her memory. For the joining of the Roto ring would bind the queen forever and nothing in the Universe can stop us. That made the servants heart swell with pride, even though she did not know the full implications of that statement. Just before she had left she heard further snippets. And my child would be born of flesh and blood with an immortal soul. This child will deliver a new form of control. In fact, I may just let the humans on Graffa survive so they can meet their next ruler. The foolish humans predict the End of Days in their bible. Why not give them what has been so feverishly prophesizedmy child will be their anti-christ. Once the codes are deciphered that Cemel predicted in his writings
The rest of the conversation was about confusing technicalities of his power. But hearing about the childit was humbling to the loyal servant.