Chapter 293: Salet Part 6

Amy strained to hear more—something about a brilliant feat the master had staged to keep the queen away from her people and out of the mines. Kalvich’s own men posing as human slaves to stage a rescue of the queen and fool her into thinking her own people were trying to help her escape—that the Supreme Ruler was all ready to catch them in the Temple. That he knew she could not bear any more executions—and he gave her an ultimatum.

They lowered their voices so they were barely audible.

Amy had to hold her breath so she could hear the low tones.

“He would only save their lives if she agreed right then and there to his terms of personal enslavement and ongoing obedience—

—the lives of his own Trimadian warriors. HAHAHA.

“He sealed the female’s fate alright, what a set up! His personal slave!” HAHAHA

“Shhhush, Lae Jang! You don’t want anyone to hear.”

“That’s why it is safer to speak in the human tongue. Some of our warriors have not learnt it.”