Chapter 316: Crossover Part 9

“—And Lord Talokta, I swear, on my immortal soul, you will get your revenge, but patience and planning first, please trust me—you understand.” Kalvich’s stare silenced his brooding commander and he reluctantly nodded—his eyes dull with frustration and anger. Keeping professional was imperative, and he had to control his emotions to remain sharp.

The next order of business was the mining of the Zymergillian on Scorbosis, which would be put into action soon. Kalvich minced no words when he told them about Zoltan’s highly classified mission posing as himself to rescue Talokta. The men now understood Kalvich’s need to be in two places. But when Kalvich stated, “—and unfortunately got his head chopped off by another enemy—”

He waited for the few silent seconds to pass before they realized what he was saying—and slightly longer for the bravest to ask the inevitable.

He noticed that Talokta had braced himself, clearly ready to defend his master against any backlash.