Chapter 319: Farewell To A Friend


The OBF team and their colleagues gaped at the sudden appearance of the old woman holding Reg’s hand. She was softly weeping and he was comforting her. They had all moved away out of respect to give them a chance to be alone.

She quickly passed her thoughts to him—he understood.

I cannot leave here my son. But I had to see you again—I love you so much.

The next moment a guard slammed open the door to the cells. The smell of wine permeated the air as the two giant, menacing figures of Kalvich and Talokta entered, moving unsteadily on their feet. The guard unlocked the cell door to let Kalvich enter. Talokta stood just outside.

None present in the cell dared to even breathe. No one moved except for little Stunt who nervously hopped from one foot to the other. To be in the presense of one was bad enough, but with both—oh, damn it, he peed himself.