Of course, that was the last place he wanted to go without Leah and his daughter, but he trusted Leah more than anyone in life.
What about the Alchemist? Leah directed at Calham.
Ahh, the twinyes we knew he was telling the truthno dice he stays. Alright, take the Supreme Ruler back to the BSP and send him on his merry way. Dont forget Kalvich, no funny business, I will kill Clair.
The look that Kalvich gave Calham made the man break into a nervous sweat. Leah admired his discipline as he could so snap the mans neck with a flick of his finger.
Leah and Clair silently watched Kalvich being escorted away.
Right, Calham announced. He turned to the leader of the D.E.P.F. Alpha Dash Black.
The leader nodded.
Three black unmarked Range Rovers stood outside Two Ridge. Leah, collar on again, with soldier escorts was bundled into one. Clair with Calham into the other and the third held Blake Bennett.