Tritor had taken over the Tremulus and landed outside an old dilapidated food manufacturing plant on the outskirts of the neutral area of Manolta. Tritor had used this as a stock pile plant for his rebel movement.
The other prisoners were grateful for somewhere to hide, and rest.
Tritor quickly announced they were all free to go or stay, it was up to them. All of the prisoners were well aware of the rebel movement, and some were even members. It was unanimous. They would stick together. Sataal had stepped forward, and Pete quickly introduced him.
Tritor shook his hand. I never thought I would meet you. When we heard Talokta got a hold of you
Yeah, a Lae Tu does not last long amongst Taloktas mob, but here I am.
Tritor shook his head, I am so sorry about the attack on your men. It is an honour to have you with us.
An hour later and a makeshift camp had been set up. Supplies, water and weapons were shared out.