Raphael was pissed off. He was also stunned, confused and bewildered. Initially he was only pissed off. Not only had he not managed to possess the Trimadians queen but two mere mortals had caused him to lose momentum and he fell into his own abyss!
Worsehis precious sword had been stolen! Leah had helphe had sensed an entity present that was not of this dimension. His guess would be one of the Gods, a survivor from Kalvichs crusades, possibly an elder. But he was too late to act. This was interference that was unheard of, totally forbidden, even he knew that. Plans began to formulate. He shoved his pissed off emotion aside and focussed on something more satisfyingrevengefor Evan, for himself, and more importantly to get his Sword back.
You want a fight, well the gloves are coming off now Queen Leah.
You have two choices Dion, voiced a cocky Lord Talokta. Scorbosis is surrounded and you have no protection. Surrender or fight. My men would enjoy some target practice